Module: Decentralised file storage network using the blockchain

Cloud storage services like Google, Microsoft and Amazon have gained the popularity in recent times. More and more number of people are moving toward storing all their valuable information in the cloud simply because it can be accessed from anywhere in the world. The cloud service providers like Google have come up with new ways to make the storage more secure and accessible to the users. The reason I love Google cloud service is that of their low cost and security. But, in the long run, you will realize that cloud storage is still bit expensive (for large data). This is the reason why companies are continuously looking for the options to reduce the storage but without compromising with users privacy.
One such company which promises to provide a secure and low-cost data storage is Module. Module will use blockchain technology to store the data on a decentralized network (in encrypted format). Their platform will also allow users to be a part of the network by renting their spare memory in exchange for MODL tokens. So, you can earn from renting extra space on your computer, smartphone or even tablets and that too by sitting on your home. You just have download Module's software and you are good to go and earn some extra bucks. The best thing about Module's platform is that it does not need a powerful computer to run. So, if you have some old computer at your home, then you can use that to be part of Module's network.
Since there are various companies who are trying to explore the possibility of data store using blockchain technology, I decided to dig deeper to find out more details about Module.
Module platform
Module is developing a platform which will allow users to store files on someone else's spare memory (on computer, tablet or smartphones). Module will allow users with low configuration hardware to be a part of a blockchain network (and act as a node for data storage). One of the unique features which Module promises to provide is the storage of data on smartphone's memory.
According to Module, more than billion of GB goes unused on smartphones and tablets. The other companies working in the similar domain are largely focused on storing data on powerful computers (desktop or laptop). All the data stored on various nodes will be encrypted.
Module also promises that their platform offers true decentralization and they will not face any problem while operating at a large scale. The nodes which act as the data storage center can set their own price for their hosting services. This has been done to stimulate a healthy competition among various nodes (miners).
ICO and Team
Module uses ERC20 token which is created on Ethereum blockchain. The company will organize a pre-sale from 16th July 2018- 31st July 2018 and a public sale from 1st August 2018. The tokens will be sold at a rate of 1 MODL =$0.008 USD (pre-ICO sale) and 1 MODL= $0.008 USD (ICO sale). Of the total fund collect, Module will use 40% for the development of the platform and 30% for the marketing activities.
Module will start listing its token on various exchange platform after completion of its public sale. They will start working on the development of secret sharing service from September this year which will be followed by the development of mining server. Module will release the beta version of the platform by the end of this year which will be soon followed by testing to find out any bugs in the platform. Module plans to release the final version of its MODL app in Play Store and App Store by Q1 next year.
But, the big questions come is whether Module provides an opportunity to get a good return on your investment or not. Well, idea-wise they don't have anything revolutionary but it's the execution which matters the most. There are various companies out there who are also promising to provide a decentralized file storage platform. So, Module has to come up with some way to outrun all those competitors. Also, since the platform is still in the development phase, nothing could be said with assurity. But, Module's officials did say that they are on course with the development process and is likely to release their app next year. One of thing which impressed me about Module is its presence of social media platforms. The company has also listed all its core team members on their website which proves that they are not hiding any details. But, before rushing to get your hands on MODL token, think twice as you might not able to get quick returns on your investment.
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Published by - smithjones
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