MobileBridge Momentum Overview

MobileBridge Momentum provides a platform for companies to increase customer loyalty and collect more customer data by attracting their offers, in which the latter will receive a reward using Momentum promotional tokens that can be used in a variety of ways. If people prefer to fill out surveys created by certain companies, then for these actions they will receive tokens. These tokens can be individually created by each company, which allows them to enter the crypto-currency world without the need for technical knowledge in this area, while simultaneously receiving customer data. This opens up a whole new level of innovative marketing strategies, as it will outperform all of its competitors. In addition, these tokens can be exchanged for Momentum tokens, which can be traded on available exchanges, which contributes to the overall mass deployment of blockchain and crypto currency technology.
The project Momentum will allow to unite interests of both parties - both buyers, and sellers. Since we all know that each side has its own goals: for sellers, it is as expensive as possible to sell, for buyers to buy at a lower price, the project decides this by a compromise. First of all, consumers will be able not only to purchase, but also to promote goods and brands that they like. Business owners with the help of the project will own all the information about their customers, as a result it will be easier to satisfy their needs, which in turn will increase the efficiency of their work and increase the number of customers.
Thus, thanks to the project MobileBridge Momentum relations between companies and customers will blossom with new colors. All participants will receive their advantages, and at the same time a great desire to meet each other, so that each of them is interested in the success and satisfaction of each other's needs. That's all.
Information about the project:
Official site:
ANN Thread:
Bounty Thread:
My profile -;u=2076964