MyEtherPony [ICO]
What is MyEtherPony?
MyEtherPony or (“MEP”) is a digital pet game on blockchain that lets you collect and trade digital collectibles in the form of ponies. Each pony’s traits and appearance is unique in MEP, you will not find any identical pony here just like in the real world. Start off with your favorite pony, and breed to get the rarest one. Showcase your pony’s farm to the community and they will be able to breed and trade with you. General information about your ponies will be available to all viewers to see.
Game rewards for participants & contributors: We designed MyEtherPony so players can benefit from the game in several ways. We realized how important it is to keep MyEtherPony economy self-sustainable, we, therefore, provide incentives for people who contribute to the economy as a token of appreciation for being part of the community.
Marketplace & Auction: The marketplace is open, transparent and secure, players can freely trade their ponies in the marketplace where the global trading community of MyEtherPony is. The auction is based on a system which balances between high bidding efficiency, transparency and reasonable transaction cost per bid.
Project Team:
The Leadership Team have a highly motivated diverse team with a strong background, whose goal is to make a difference in global decentralized, secure and interference-free, Peer-to-Peer Communication Systems platform.
Token Details:
The most crypto traders are familiar with is ERC20 tokens which is fungible. Meaning they are the same tokens produced in a certain amount of units and interchangeable with its own type. MyEtherPony utilize an ERC20 token called Dekla (DKL) within MyEtherPony. The token is necessary for anything purchase and potentially earned within MyEtherPony. In other words, DKL is the instrument for economic activity in our App.
ERC721 is a type of token on Ethereum that is non-fungible, meaning each of them are unique. 1 unit of ERC721 token may have a different value than another because of the different attributes each of them has. We will explore and adopt ERC721 to present a set of unique items with unique attributes. Since they are unique, they could potentially be valued differently with one another.
The team believes in blockchain technology, its transparency, peer-to-peer, immutability, and putting the power into the hands of the users. With the use of blockchain technology, each pony is a crypto-backed asset (digital asset), lives eternally on top of the blockchain, no-one can take away the ownership from you, including us.
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ETH: 0xCc538c6335203Cd2e771F27d12F4c90695366407