Fintrux ICO
The process of borrowing money through the conventional approach is more than a rigid process that needs change. Thus, the change is here and now through the Fintrux platform for which the decentralized process enables users to create their smart contracts in order to access loans from all users with no limits to barriers. The process is unique and profoundly projects the definite paradigm of changing customer and borrowers perspective. The Fintrux structure is defined on the structure for which the investor can finance the borrower beyond the imagination of no limits and no boundaries for accessing funds in a real time approach. The user is credited from the Fintrux platform with enormous provisions of loan credits, mortgages involving transparency in the banking trend for which all transactions are done and carried out. The Fintrux structure also provides leases through the ethereum blockchain stance in all transaction dealings. The Fintrux is decentralized and creates an immutable network system for which data viability and uptime threshold is up at all times. This creates the approach for normal operations to all users on the network and creates gain for which they navigate in creating the credits balances .Fintrux ICO sales starts soonest on the Fintrux website at,which all investors, users and prospects are advised to visit daily. This is to enable users and investors follow the trend of Fintrux usefulness in its totality to clients all over the world. Fintrux is profound and more of its value chain provisions are enormous for users who partake in the token subscriptions and purchase. Its a brand new world of borrowing and smart contracts. Don’t be left out of this great opportunity. Fintrux is decentralized.
The awareness of conducting several intricate financial transactions without the need of a corporate body or any financial institution is settling really well and fast. With the ever growing popularity and reception of bitcoin as a direct method of payment between different parties and at the same time eliminating the need for a middle man hence a decentralized system has paved ways for several other crytocurrencies also called ad-coins. While several financial and investment experts may argue that the growing approval of crypto around the world may cripple the economy even going as far as calling it a Ponzi bubble and not eligible to be called a fiat currency, it can also be argued that in as much as it is a decentralized system more and more people will hop on the crypto train hence forcing the government to amend its financial policies to accommodate this new growing system. Not everybody likes the idea of being restricted to certain boundaries of financial capabilities. I get it, it is your money and you should have total control of it. You can send money from Tanzania to china without having to deal with any corporate body telling you the money is too much and will need several documents to pass through certain people or will take few weeks to be approved. In hours your best buddy xao lin is happily counting his yuan in china with a decentralized system. Exciting isn’t it. With bitcoin as the major crypto model, several ad coins are streamlining and targeting their coins at providing certain facilities hence offering a more straight to the point service.
With the ever growing un-employment rate, poverty, bankruptcy and debt people are living below the normal basic means. With no easy access to grants, loans or any form of financial bailout one might consider going to the bank for a loan to start a small business and make a honest living but upon calculating the interest rates one might shift the onus to loan sharks of whom I must say don’t have any qualms dislocating your jaws or breaking a few bones. So what do you do to avoid collecting a loan that will leave you homeless or lying on a hospital bed wrapped in POP (Plaster Of Paris).
FINTRUX , A crypto p2p organization has come UP with a viable solution to curb these financial in adequacies and ensure that honest people get easy access to loans to start up their own businesses, build their ideas and at the end of the day have the opportunity to also help others in need of financial assistance. The vision is to facilitate an ecosystem where financing liquidity is maintained and all participants win.
They encourage seamless p2p transaction between consenting participants at a low and affordable rate.
Where banks come short at loan delays FINTRUX makes loans easily accessible and spontaneous.
Compared to banks and other financial institutions, documentation at FINTRUX is reduced
The system is decentralized therefore both the borrower and lender are safe and their details are kept private
Any form of loss/risk has been reduced to the barest minimum by allowing only well scrutinized reputable agencies to operate on the platform
FINTRUX is basically self-service and an ultra-efficient funding system
Transactions are transparent and reasonable
You enjoy lower interest rates as a borrower
Method of payment is straight forward and spontaneous
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