Lucre-algorithmic trading platform on blockchainsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #ico6 years ago (edited)

Cryptocurrency rate is very volatile, so from the latest news, we often hear that the course is constantly jumping, up and down. Cryptocurrency volatility is determined by the difference between the upper and lower price limits on the chart. At the moment of a sharp fall, a sharp question arises, whether to hold a cryptocurrency or not. The company LUCRE, declares that no need to hold, since the retention of cryptocurrency will not improve your condition. The company also has a solution that will help crypto traders to earn money, even when the rate is at the bottom. The thing is that trading is carried out in both directions for long and short positions, so even when the course goes down, the LUCRE algorithm will make a profit from short positions. 

This is an exclusive and automated trading system, and the cryptocurrency signaling service, created to exceed the strategy of using cryptocurrency. The platform is based on statistical data for the last 5 years and was developed by a team with 8 years of experience in algorithmic trading. In the cryptocurrency market, there are many trading platforms, however, they do not compete with LUCRE. This platform is attractive because it allows you to earn income in all market conditions. The big plus is that the participants themselves can set their own rules for trade records and for exits, automate them. As soon as the rules are established, the program itself tracks the markets to find opportunities to buy or sell based on established strategies.

Traders will no longer have to worry that they will not make the right deal under the influence of emotions. LUCRE will exclude the possibility of incorrect transactions, since all the processes on the platform are automated. The platform will also have a backtest function, which will allow you to evaluate and determine the average amount that a trader can gain or lose per risk. Other advantages of the platform are discipline, trade planning or coordination, generation of orders in a very short time, 24-hour market operation around the clock.

LUCRE was founded in 2010 under the leadership of Ganesh Puri, a specialist in the financial sector, including cryptoindustry. The LUCRE platform, today works in Alpha mode and so far it is trading in one BTC / USD pair, other pairs will be added over time.

To launch the platform, the company launched the sale of tokens, which takes place in two stages: Stage 1 Pre-ICO and Stage II ICO. Pre-ICO tokens will be held from October 15 until the start of ICO. The minimum goal of the company is to collect 1 600 000 US dollars, maximum 7 000 000 US dollars. At each stage of participation of Pre-ICO, investors can receive bonuses from 20% to 0%. To develop a platform, you need to collect the minimum amount, if the goal is not achieved, all investor contributions will be returned.

Owners of the LUCRE token (LCR), will receive premium membership and full access to the service, they will also be able to earn by combining various pairs of options. Tokens can also be used for additional trades.

In 2020, the company plans to launch the final version of its product. Following the development of the project, you can see it in white paper, also having studied the roadmap.

How funds will be distributed:

-80% will be allocated to participants

-14% for developers and reserve companies

-3% will be allocated to advisers

-3% for program and marketing bounty

LUCRE will introduce new standards in the cryptoindustry, so traders will no longer keep their assets hodl, but will make money even when the market is low. All this will be done thanks to the unique LUCRE system, before this was not on the cryptoindustry market.

For more information about the project and the terms of participation, I recommend to visit the links below:

 ☑️Link to the project:







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