in #ico5 years ago


This is the movie marketplace, it will be the area where Creative Users can put their films, series or documentaries for sale and rent, and Viewer Users can buy/rent and enjoy them.

An smart filter system will allow users to browse and order content easily, with an intuitive and easy-to-use design; each film will have its own designated space within the platform. Participants may use an image or gif to identify the project with the general project information: title, synopsis, price, duration, gender and corresponding Creative Team.

The films will be commercialized under three different schemes:



Any film that is registered in the "Billboard" will have the opportunity to make a Premiere presentation, a limited time offering during which the film is put on sale, looking to quench the spectator’s thirst for novelty, inviting them to see the film before others. Creative Teams are encouraged to include bonus or exclusive material in this mode to add more value to the Premiere Sale; potentially becoming with time in a type of collectible.

These sales will take place exclusively with Filmgrid’s token, Filmpass (FILM). Once the purchase/sale of the movie has taken place, the platform will automatically make the corresponding transactions, depositing the remaining profit to the Creative Team’s wallet In the form of FILM; Filmgrid’s fee is converted to ETH and deposited to the Filmgrid’s Production fund.

Cualquier película que esté registrada en el "Billboard" tendrá la oportunidad de hacer una presentación Premiere, una oferta por tiempo limitado durante la cual la película se pondrá a la venta, buscando saciar la sed de novedad del espectador, invitándolos a ver la película antes que otros. Se recomienda a los Equipos Creativos que incluyan material extra o exclusivo, para de este modo agregar más valor a la Venta Premiere; potencialmente convirtiéndose con el tiempo en un tipo de coleccionable.

Estas ventas se realizarán exclusivamente con el token de Filmgrid, Filmpass (FILM). Una vez que se haya realizado la compra / venta de la película, la plataforma realizará automáticamente las transacciones correspondientes, depositando las ganancias restantes en la cartera del Equipo Creativo en forma de token FILM; La tarifa de Filmgrid se convierte a ETH y se deposita en el Fondo de Producción de Filmgrid.



This type of offering happens between three to six months after the Premiere, the exact time is defined by the Creative Team upon registration, the platform will automatically place the film on the "Billboard" once the specified time has elapsed, becoming available for sale again. Ether and bitcoin are accepted during this sale (other cryptocurrencies to be determined).

What makes this mode special is the pricing of the film, it works in a very different way than what is commonly used in visual entertainment. Filmgrid accepts any film-time format: short, medium or feature-length; which makes it difficult to standardize prices because it would not be ideal for a 15 minute film to cost the same as a 90 minute one.

That's why it was decided to determine the price based on the duration of the film, keeping a flat rate per minute. Once the purchase/sale of the film has taken place, the platform will automatically make the corresponding transactions, depositing the remaining profit to the Creative Team’s wallet.

Este tipo de oferta ocurre entre tres y seis meses después de la venta Premiere, el tiempo exacta es definido por el equipo creativo al registrarse, la plataforma colocará automáticamente la película en el "Billboard" una vez que haya transcurrido el tiempo especificado, quedando disponible para la venta nuevamente. Se aceptará Ether (ETH) y bitcoin (BTC) durante esta venta (se determinarán otras criptomonedas).



It works as a movie rental for titles available in the Screening Mode in “The Billboard". Contrary to the previous modes, the user does not obtain playback keys that allow them to see the films in perpetuity, but rather, in exchange for a “ticket”, they obtain the right to play and watch of the film for 48 hours from the moment of payment.

During this period, the user will be able to play the movie as often as they like in any compatible device. The “ticket” price will be set in a similar way to the Screening Sale, using a fixed ticket price per minute of movie.

In the Premiere and Screening modes, the user who buys the movie acquires the reproduction keys, so he can stream it in any compatible device, as many times as wanted.

The reproduction keys could be transferred from one user to another if there is connection within the platform. This can be in case of gift, inheritance, exchange for another movie or sale. Once these keys have been transferred, the original owner can no longer use them.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62613.64
ETH 2438.01
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.67