in #ico6 years ago


As world governments and international bankers rush to figure out how to prepare for the oncoming financial hurricane that will move us from web 2.0 to web 3.0, topics like AI, blockchain, bitcoin and crypto is all the talk. In this new "wild west" of the financial tech revolution, anyone with an idea and a little bit of technical skill can raise a good amount of money. No longer do people need traditional venture capitalists to seed funds. Rather, the latest fad in crowdfunding a business venture is through the ICO (Initial Coin Offering).

As of this recording (May 2018), officials and state representatives are slowly cracking down on regulations being set up to provide, what they claim will be increased "safety" and "authenticity" to the ICO world so as to prevent scams. But while most folks hardly understand what a blockchain even is at this point, even fewer knew how Artificial Intelligence benefits from this. In fact, the conceptual Noosphere by the Jesuit priest, Teilhardt De Chardin, who was criticized for his view at the time (early 20th century), wouldn't have been so marginalized had the people of his day known about the internet and more specifically, blockchain tech, and AI.

This is not to defend a Jesuit priest (especially since the Vatican have found favor with him since), but rather to illustrate the long awaiting mystical and occult aspect to what is happening to us. Crudely put, a blockchain will operate more LIKE a human brain in that there will be a consensual distribution of information being provided by networks of nodes - in the world of blockchains - similar to synapses in your brain. The theoretical "global brain" is no longer a mere theory, but an actual entity that we are voluntarily creating (and there are topics like the Turing test which hit pop culture through films like Ex-Machina).

As of now, nodes are operated by really fast processors. But if we project into the not so distant future, where institutions like Google, Facebook and Amazon are all compliant in distributing BMI (Brain Machine Interface) technology, the whole idea of a "global brain" and the blockchain BECOME ONE. And the nexus point, is the human body.

The goal for the intrusive inter-dimensional entities that the Bible calls principalities, powers, authorities and wicked forces, is to destroy mankind. They are basically programmed to carry out this destruction. And to do so, the methodology is deception. It is under these presuppositions, that I'd like to introduce a new ICO project, one of the creepiest ones I've ever seen: GENECOIN!

Check out the full video:


You are very right

Some say the singularity has already happened and AI is already running a lot more than we realise. There's even been speculation that blockchain technology was developed by AI as it's the perfect vehicle for humans to perpetuate through our own greed.

The blockchain is the ultimate hive mind that could never just be unplugged or switched off, it is self replicating and self repairing so it's not going to be easy to stop it if it goes rogue on us.

I don't know what to think but if AI is operating in the shadows D-day could be a lot closer than we all think.

Hey Gonz, want to see something weird?
Azure Accelerated Learning Machine:
Screenshot from 2018-05-10 23-04-28.png
Jewish Kabbalah Sefirot

Good call out..

Here's a short little video you should find interesting as well:

Hi Gonz, thanks for the update. I have a couple of observations:

  1. This whole AI running on the blockchain meme is total BS. This is not to say that AI and blockchain aren't dangerous. They are both absolutely part of the UN Agenda 2030 plan as well as the NWO target state. I believe there is a COINTELPRO disinfo campaign out there with people like Quinn Michaels to distract and disorient people down loads of ridiculous rabbit holes (just like Q) to keep them from seeing the real threats and required actions

  2. The biggest blockchain and AI investing in the world is going on in Israel. Here's a Deloitte PDF explaining how big it is there. and one of the key guys in Israel that is always speaking at crypto events is named Nimrod Lehavi (yeah.. like the one that built the Tower of Babel..) This is NOT a coincidence and it signifies that Zionist syndicate / Luciferians are driving the push extremely heavily

  3. There are in my view loads of fake and deceptive startups like Genecoin to distract the masses as well as to test people's interest in such ridiculous BS. I believe that they are basically trying to test how brainwashed / braindead people are and if they are buying into their agenda. Steemit is loaded with this too. I just saw this ridiculous post today where people are being coaxed into be excited about the future of AI, robotics, cryptos, and all the other 2030 Agenda tools that they are pushing. It's a complete sea of disinfo at the moment on Steemit and everywhere else.. in a word, it's "nauseating"

Thanks for all you work in calling things out the truth.. keep it up brother

Thanks for being a watchman on the wall Gonz! Great information to keep us aware of the schemes of the devil. Let's be wise as serpents and innocent as doves in these last of the last days.

I'm just looking to establish a position in the Steemit community, and would appreciate to find some people like me, so we can mutually support one another. subscribe @coinlocket

Oh wow - that is super creepy. Everything tied together like Big Brother.

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