Recently Added ►TokenPay (TPAY) $1.86 USD Apr 5 , 2018

in #ico7 years ago


► Markets --Qryptos
►Total Supply 19,026,924 TPAY


what's going on everybody mr. influenced
here back at it again with in another
video today's topic is going to be token
pay and let's get straight to it
if you guys don't know who I am I'm mr.
influenced and I made Krypto videos
daily sometimes I take a break
well usually it's daily and we have some
very interesting content coming out in
the next two weeks crypto vlogs and
drone videos from Costa Rica Costa Rica
crypto vlogs man it's going to be
amazing make sure you hit that subscribe
button hit the notification bow so you
guys know when these videos will be
posted and let's get right into it
so token pay we have some interesting
updates as you guys can see I have a lot
less token paid that I have i sold quite
a bit of token pay just because i'm
trying to get that to that 10k even
range and then calculate my staking
profits from take 10k to the end of the
year and see how much i sell for at
exactly one year i'm holding this per
year if i get opportunities to sell for
a very good price and then buy back for
a lower once on exchanges I will do so
but as you guys can see like these
payments right here where it's all two
customers buying t pay selling 200 for
more and then I won't be selling any
more for the long term I believe in this
coin very strongly the reason I was
selling was because I wanted that even
10k stock as well as I wanted to
diversify some as I made quite a bit of
token pay from referrals so let's get
right into the updates that one small
step for T pay one giant leap for T pay
hmm wonder what this is okay so who can
pay could have bought this Bank in
August before Bank era it was very cheap
and simple to acquire but we passed on
it following regulatory meetings
it is a worthless asset for this
business Vaughn o2 is an OECD greatest
country not ready for crypto ooh that
could be bad news for Bank era it could
be bad news for Bank era so there's a
reason why token pay didn't get a bank
in Vanuatu very interesting
but yesterday we have gotten some cool
news that I thought was very very good
and this is what it is we can now
confirm that token pay will be domicile
I the miss lied to mislead who cares I
know what the word means the word means
basically home like it's getting into it
all right so will be the missile the
missile whatever in Switzerland as token
pay Swiss AG so Switzerland is going to
be token pays new home it's gonna be
where their base that they're good
that's where their office is gonna be
our cetera official office address and
phone number to follow shortly along
with a new corporate website that will
highlight our merchants tools platform
that is expected to be released quarter
to of this year so like I said office
it's gonna be the home of their office
not necessarily that the bank is going
to be in Switzerland there could be a
possibility in the future that they will
be going for a bank in Switzerland but
as we saw over here they're doing
they're doing they're trying to get a
bank in Germany and LOI has been signed
with a German bank and we are ready to
begin the due diligence procedure of
exploring a token pay partnership well
ahead of the expectations laid out in
our roadmap we are in the process of
engaging a big four accounting firm in
Germany to complete audit this is
awesome so the bank could be possibly in
Germany I don't know how crypto friendly
Germany is but if you are from Germany
please comment below and let me know how
crypto friendly Germany is but this is
also very nice news and like they said
expectations could be well beat like
well way earlier than said in the
roadmap which is awesome I don't think
that's it for okay we have a lot of
Swiss deals in the pipeline and the
choice to dump okay we read that one
what Oh the missile the missile II in
Switzerland was a logical one I think he
gives us the credibility security and
flexibility that we need to execute
quickly on our roadmap so as you guys
can see these guys are constantly
make sure you follow them on Twitter we
have 14.3 k5 I'm here this is going to
be a huge coin I'm not I'm not a
financial adviser this is just all my
opinion but I believe token pay when it
hits exchanges will boost up to like the
$30.00 range honestly and yeah I sold I
was selling coins for super cheap right
now but you know what I mean I was
taking I was doing the smart choice as I
earned a decent amount from referrals
from token pay I diversified now you
never know what happens so diversifying
is a very very safe step no matter if
you're losing profit in the long term
sometimes it's a good step and with me
having so much token pay I believe it
was a good choice but yeah that was just
my choice I know I know some of you guys
were like why are you selling for so
cheap why song so first or cheap there's
my reason I wasn't selling because I
don't believe in the project I actually
think they're working a lot faster
because the distributions not even done
and they're already getting ready for
like banks and stuff they were offices
opening was not expecting all that this
is great yeah I see this thing going
very very high on exchanges when it gets
listed but yeah like tons of you guys
keep hitting me up if you guys can buy
if you give me a really really good deal
I might still sell you some so hit me up
in the telegram chat but if otherwise
I'm not selling anymore for for the
cheapest price that I was selling it for
now let me just mention you guys a cool
little giveaway for you guys so last
time I did $1,000 talking pay giveaway I
based that at $5 a token pay now I'll be
doing weekly hundred-dollar token pay
giveaways so in the in the comments
below comment your teepee address and an
interesting comment about crypto I'm
just talking pay related a cool
experience or something like that and
you'll be entered in a chance to win
some token pay the winner for this
giveaway will be chosen on
let me give you guys an exact date it'll
be picked out tomorrow so the 23rd and
then we'll do one the following week
I'll let you guys know what video on one
of the crypto vlogs and that one will be
given out every Friday so the second and
then the ninth and then the 16th every
Friday we're gonna have a token pay
giveaway for a hundred bucks sometimes
it's more never less Oh I hope to see
you guys in the next video peace out let
me know what you guys think I can't wait
for this new commercial website the
merchant services are gonna be amazing
I see token pay going very very far and
yeah hope you guys liked the video like
comment subscribe peace out.




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