CME Erupts at Earth, Magnetic Pole Shift, Solar Storm | S0 News Aug.8.2022
Ben vs The USA Today | Sun & Geomagnetism
Climate Forcing Made Easy - The Mobile Observatory Project
5 Truths About Earth's Magnetic Reversal
CLIMATE FORCING still missing from ALL Climate Models | Our Future is Cold
Earth Micro Nova Now Forecast by 2nd High Profile Whistleblower: Solar Researcher for October, 2024...
What does PRAGMATISM mean to you today? What will PRAGMATISM mean to you AFTER the power goes out?
Even though our Sun is shutting down for another Maunder or Dalton Minimum cycle... there is still some good news being censored too....
SAFIRE Project made their announcement SEPT 2, 2019
My hope is that once enough people find out we can produce virtually free energy, they will all realize we have a solution to our world problems if we unite around a common cause... Who doesn't want Free Energy...?