How To Get Started With Infinite Banking in 3 Simple and Easy Steps

in #ibc7 years ago (edited)


Hey, hello there! Congrats on making your way here. If you've found this article, it's likely because you've done some research on the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) (also known as Bank On Yourself or the 770 Account) and:

a) you have further questions that require a professional point of reference, and/or
b) you are ready to get started but you don't know what to do next.

To make the process of learning and implementing Infinite Banking as easy as possible, I'm going to share the process I use in 3 short steps.

My 3 Step Process To Get You Started with IBC

Step 1: The Introductory Telephone Call

My first goal is to get you familiar with Infinite Banking. During this appointment I'll do a high level overview on how Infinite Banking works. This first appointment is typically around 20 minutes and is done entirely over the phone. You can schedule an introductory call here: During this initial call I will remain on phone with you until all your questions are answered. I will also qualify you to make sure you’re a good candidate for Infinite Banking. As great as Infinite Banking is, for some people, it's not an ideal fit and you’ll want to know as soon as possible.

Step 2: The Financial Questionnaire Appointment

After all questions have been answered, we will then proceed to Step 2 which is the Financial Questionnaire, should we not have enough time after Step 1, we will schedule another appointment. This 2nd Step typically requires 15-30 minutes and allows me to learn about your financial situation and what you aim to accomplish. With the information you share with me, I’m able to customize an Infinite Banking plan based on your unique situation.

Step 3: The Plan Review and Application Appointment

Our 3rd appointment is the review of your Personalized IBC Solution I’ve created for you. We'll discuss the unique structure of the policy including how your money is being allocated, how it grows, and when you can start to use it to starting paying down debt, invest, or even take that once in a lifetime vacation you’ve always wanted to take. Assuming everything looks good and you are ready to put the plan into action, we proceed to the application to get you medically underwritten for your IBC Whole Life policy.

Typical underwriting time can vary but is usually between 25-45 days before an approval is offered for acceptance and delivery. If you are in perfect health, I’ve had approvals come back in less than 1 week but that’s certainly the exception and not the rule! Once an underwriting decision has been made and assuming the policy is approved, we always review the final numbers before taking delivery.

The worst case scenario is I have to notify the prospective client of a decline by the insurance company. It's important to note that a decline will not rule out the plan. It simply means we have to find an insurable interest like a spouse, child, or sibling as a substitute. You can still be the owner of a policy even if you are not the insured.

That's it! Three simple and easy steps to get all your questions answered and get started.

You can start with Step 1 by visiting my calendar to request a time here:


Have a great day!

Thank you,

John A. Montoya
JLM Wealth Strategies, Inc.
(925) 386-6639 Office
Infinite Banking® Authorized Practitioner
Bank On Yourself® Authorized Advisor
CA Life#0C42222

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