What Happened to Ian Murdock and Why Cicada 3301 is Proof White Hats are on Our Side
What Happened to Ian Murdock and Why Cicada 3301 is Proof White Hats are on Our Side
Film Summary
Who is Cicada 3301? A group of white hats that are former NSA, CIA, tech giants, who are against the "Deep State" it would seem. Two of the three founders are Ian Murdock and Bruce C Clark Jr. So what happened to Ian Murdock?
Bruce C Clark Jr. RIP: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/washingtonpost/obituary.aspx?pid=174090566
Debian Founder Ian Murdock strange tweets: https://techaeris.com/2015/12/28/debian-founder-ian-murdocks-tweets-raising-eyebrows/
Ian Murdock was Murdered Video: Video
Ian Murdock wiki, medical report is in the external links on this wiki page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Murdock
AIM4truth Plum Books on the SES: https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2018/03/obama-hired-them-trump-cannot-fire-them.html#ses-obfuscation-blizzard
The newest Cicada 3301 puzzle, if you can help me decode this please let me know... Video/UY5FMCtDIow
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Because he died; while there is no official cause of death that I’ve been able to find, the general consensus is that, after various (strong) disagreements with police, he committed suicide. Regardless of the reason, however, his impact on Linux — and, by extension, the computing world as a whole — is hard to overstate, and he will be missed.
Very sad news :(
Emotional :(
I really watching to your video.and this is for for emotionnal