in #iagon20186 years ago


IAGON is a platform based on decentralized and tokenized blockchain. In good time! This platform seeks to replace traditional and centralized public clouds such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, IBM Cloud, Google, etc. which generally require a very important investment to compete. The decentralized open source cloud computing and storage services platform comes to revolutionize the computing and storage power market that is increasingly required around the world!

Have you ever thought that perhaps the processing power of your computer is too much for the type of activities for which you use it? Many only use to see social networks, others rarely do any document. Could you easily create Microsoft Office Word and Excel documents on a Dual Core machine as you currently do on your Core i7? So, what do you do with all that extra computing power? In this field the IAGON platform enters

All that extra power of your machine you can monetize this power while you contribute to the development and execution of various projects that need to safeguard or access some important data.

The network that unites many computer components around the world, creating a global platform with exceptional computing power which results in a high-power accumulated supercomputer, capable of solving huge and complex algorithms and that can receive and store data in a unimaginable at a very low cost while all this is happening, you are paid to compromise your remaining computing power. So my pc can afford the electricity bill of my house!

The IAGON storage services will guarantee a high level of security when using data cutting and encryption of military level files (SHA256). By splicing data and distributing smaller encrypted components at all, it is guaranteed that no miner has access to a complete file.

In other words, your information will not go entirely to a completely strange PC somewhere in the world, this work will be distributed in different PCs in such a way that the data is protected in a way that can not be used or stolen by some stranger

IAGON Computing Services

For years, humanity has advanced hand in hand with data and information worked in such a way that it generates well-being for people, generates evolution by finding solutions to problems in various areas, one of these areas is artificial intelligence, in the mid-1980s humanity created a myth on this subject, suggesting that they were machines that came to replace man, today artificial intelligence is in many devices of daily life, even in cars!

The power of computing is in continuous demand. As Deep Learning and other aspects of Artificial Intelligence are adopted in a wider range of fields, there is a growing need to process and analyze large data sets.

Several programs need a large amount of data to develop artificial intelligence, it needs a level of computing and data that can only be accessed today by large corporations and therefore is a big problem for the advancement of this technology worldwide , many are able to develop interesting projects on artificial intelligence, but without a budget to access the data and the necessary computing powers are out of the competition

The advance in different areas of the industry has a strong and clear brake, and the platform of IAGON comes to free it, many medical projects that would save millions of lives are paralyzed by lack of resources that this platform could help to develop, also industries could help its employees have a more relaxed job, disabled people would have better tools for their lives, and so many projects that need data and computing power for their development

IAGON aims to build a global supercomputing network that will revolutionize the web and cloud services market.

IAGON Smart Computing Grid

The IAGON intelligent computer network is equivalent to any other electrical network (such as solar electricity production): this leads to an interconnected network to offer different resources to whoever needs them, both the one that produces and the one that requires computing power. as data hosting, a network that will be available under the blockchain technology for both sides of the coin, the one that offers its computing power and the one that requires the service

Several of the tasks are:

• Connect multiple producers to customers

• Smart Computing Grid satisfies the demand of the necessary resource

• Transfers unused resources to customers who need them (CPU and GPU processing power and storage space), and

• It benefits miners who provide processing power and storage space to the network without requiring efforts when their servers and computers are not used by them.

The Smart Computing Grid is based on advanced components of Artificial Intelligence that include more than 100 algorithms, methods and techniques of Machine Learning that are integrated to form our AI-Tracker system. With which the system can innovate and grow in different areas at different rates creating a more complete and dynamic network for work and the service of computer resources

AI-Tracker is the "brain" behind the IAGON Intelligent Computing Network.

AI-Tracker is a dynamic learning system that continuously analyzes past and current data streams that reflect the availability of storage space and processing capabilities of miners

In a few words, it is creating historical data of the platform and thus it selects the best nodes to deliver the tasks to be carried out, as well as the routes to store data in those nodes with the best average of work, being as a reference method the stability of the same , as the network grows, this system will self regulate, creating an evolution over time, helping to grow and improve the platform

A relationship of WIN/ WIN !!

It is common today to see in our homes very advanced computers that only consume energy, because in all the stores worldwide, it arrives only for sale the computer market new and powerful computers, every month more and more powerful computers for the home, only used for social network

With blockchain technology many people have known the possibility of earning extra money with these computers, steemit is part of that discovery, many of us are now working through the network

But can we also make that computer work for us?

There is the key, we can use that computer power that we have at home, many woke up, turn on the pc, we see some social network and at the time we do not do more work in it, the pc is consuming energy and without any benefit for us

By placing our remaining computing power at the service of the IAGON platform, we can take advantage of the equipment we own at home and at the same time we create a platform that helps many entrepreneurs worldwide to create innovation for the future of humanity.

So it is a WINNING WINNING relationship, where we are part of the future and we are rewarded for it !!

For more information watch this short introduction:

article created by @loganjose for the writing contest conducted by @originalworks and sponsored by IAGON

for more information about the contest between here



This post has been submitted for the @OriginalWorks Sponsored Writing Contest!
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