Myanmar Traditional Lethwei
Lethwei (Burmese: လက်ဝှေ့; IPA: [lɛʔ.ʍḛ]) or Burmese bareknuckle boxing is a full contact combat sport from Myanmar that uses stand-up striking along with various clinching techniques.[1] Lethwei is considered to be one of the most aggressive and brutal martial arts in the world, because the fighters fight bareknuckle with only the use tape and gauze on their hands.[2] The use of fists, elbows, knees, feet but more surprisingly, the head makes it a very unusual martial art. Although disallowed in many combat sports, in Lethwei, the use of headbutt is encouraged. This is the reason it also known as "The Art of 9 limbs".[3][4]
Tway Ma Shaung fighting Saw Shark in Myanmar.png
Also known as Burmese Bareknuckle Boxing, Myanmar Traditional Boxing, Bando Kickboxing, The Art of 9 limbs
Focus Striking
Hardness Full-contact
Country of origin Myanmar Myanmar
Famous practitioners Kyar Ba Nyein, Dave Leduc, Lone Chaw, Soe Lin Oo, Nilar Win, Tun Tun Min, Tway Ma Shaung, U Bo Sein, Shwe Du Won, Wan Chine, Phyan Thwe, Saw Shark, Too Too, Saw Gaw Mu Doe, Thar Athel Tapwint,
It is similar to related styles in other parts of the Indian cultural sphere, namely Muay Thai from Thailand, Pradal Serey from Cambodia, Muay Lao from Laos, Tomoi from Malaysia and Musti-yuddha from India.[5]
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