I CHING, the Chinese Oracle of Change
There are many online resources that would tell you all about I Ching, the Chinese Oracle of Change . What is being offered here is my personal contribution to its understanding.
I have written some MS-DOS software over 20 years ago, to help me with my own research into the I Ching. The software allows the formation of a hexagram according to the result of a coin casting . Some interpretation of the hexagram is also provided by the software to give the user a head start in unravelling its implication .
In 2014, I rewrote this computer program making use of the more modern GUI applications currently available . The program still bears its original name: EKING (Electronic Key and Instant Gateway to the I Ching). This time , I made a more concerted effort, and created altogether 4 versions :
(1) EKING (in English) for Microsoft Windows OS:
( 2) EKING (in English) for Apple MAC OSX:
(3) EKING (in Vietnamese) for Microsoft Windows OS:
(4) EKING (in Vietnamese) for Apple MAC OSX:
This EKING software is now being offered by me , free for your personal use . It can be downloaded from the links provided above.
My study of the I Ching has helped me considerably in coping with the challenges of life over the years. I hope that it can be beneficial for you as well. Enjoy .