Hysterectomy = Divorce

in #hysterectomy6 years ago (edited)


Hysterectomy = Divorce

Yes, this is true. For the lucky few it may not be.

Why to women get hysterectomies? Because their doctor offered this option to them, whether it be for conditions like Endometrosis, uterine polyps, Massive Uterine Bleeding, Suspected Cancer in the Uterus or in other areas like the ovaries, Fibroids, finished having children and even PMS, if you can believe that.

If you are a married woman or a woman with a partner, you will most likely end up in divorce or separation because of doctor prescribed hysterectomies.

Why you may ask is that? It is from experience, my dear readers. I ended up single because of the hysterectomy option I was 'prescribed' and I accepted. If you don't already know, your doctor is like a sales person. He/She/it was trained in a Drug Company funded medical school, most often. Not only did their school teach them the parts of the human body, and how the body functions but it also taught them how to prescribe toxic presciption drugs and deadly surgeries.

You see whenever you go visit your doctor. You try to explain to them within their 10-15 minutes given time what 'symptoms' you have. Within that short period of time your doctor aka salesperson tries to fit your symptoms with a medical disease or condition name.

After that's done and you've been 'posted' with a label/name for your symptoms, a prescription/suggestion is made. Either a drug prescription is written out or a few suggestions of treatments are named. So if you went into your big pharma funded doctor and told them you were bleeding heavily, you may be prescribed a screening or testing to confirm that you either had fibroid(s), endometriosis, or Cancer of the Ovaries or Uterus.

Once confirmed the 'options' and they are 'options' because these quacks can not force you to do the deadly Cancer treatments given in the United States if you refuse, you the 'choice' to refuse or accept. Usually your doctors have been trained to scare the daylights out of you in order for you to quickly accept their medical treatment proposal.

Usually, your greedy doctor would offer the choice of a hysterectomy or a myomectomy but will push for a hysterctomy. They will try to do their best to scare you into a 'full' hysterectomy, removing both the Uterus and the Cervix. Sometimes, if the doctor is really evil, while they are working on your body during surgery, they will also remove you fallopian tubes and ovaries, giving you some half assed reason for removal of all your female organs.

Dear people, if you do not read the entire medical form before signing it, your doctor can screw around in their as much as they like as they will always be protect by the rich medical industry.

If the female patient is not well educated by doing lots of online research and reading the forums for the thousands of women crying for help after their hysterectomies and then being kicked to the curb by their doctors then you may be frightened into scheduling a hysterectomy right away. Do not believe your doctor when they tell you that their hysterectomy surgeries are booked up that you will not be able to get in until a few months later if you forgo it right now. That is a scare tactic these crooks use in order to scare women into doing these dangerous and life altering major surgeries.

Get your diagnosis, find out what you have, even go to another doctor to get a 2nd opinion. Once you figured out what disease or condition you have, do tons of research. Do not dive head first into any hysterectomy surgeries because it may end up in divorce, separation from your partner or even suicide.

The only thing your doctors have been taught about your uterus is that babies grow in them. You can not image, how important your uterus is to your entire body. Once the uterus is removed, with or without the ovaries. The ovaries and cervix may begin to astrophe (die). No matter if you leave 1 or 2 ovaries within you, the ovaries will die within 5 years as the blood supply feeding your ovaries and keeping them alive has been deminished by the surgery. With the gaping hole left behind by the remove of this all important female organ, your other organs like your bladder and colon may begin to dislodge in some ways and begin to move. Ever heard of Pelvic Prolapse ( where your bladder or rectum falls through and sticks out of your vagina )

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Developing Pelvic Prolapse is just one of the many symptoms that you will be gifted after the recommeded hysterectomy surgery. You may develop nerve damage, allergic reactions and even death. With most major surgeries, you may have excessive bleeding (haemorrhage) leading to needing blood transfusion which in themself can make you very, very sick and even die because though they give you the same 'Blood Type' each person's DNA is different so you may react differently with the half dead blood given to you. You will also receive with your blood transfusion, the undetected diseases, bacteria, viruses and fungus that the donate had.

Your Ureter ( the passage where you pee through ) may be damaged (1% chance). There is also possible damage to your abdominal organs such as your bladder and bowel leading to incontinent ( frequent urination ) or damage done by the catheter where the patient can not pee, even if her bladder keeps filling up with urine. The patient may develop Urinary Track Infection ( UTI ) from have the Catheter put into the body, removed to put in, again.

The hysterectomy surgery, no matter how well done, may still leave you with some form of infection like from a open wound which, the hospital may give you anitbiotics. Antibiotic, you may know by know created Candida fungus/yeast to forum within the body and if your body is already overloaded with mercury from your Amalgam Dental Fillings or toxic Vaccines, this Candida may develop into Cancer.

After your hysterectomy surgery, you may develop blood clots which if loosened either travelling to the brain causing a stroke or to the heart causing a heart attack.

If your hysterectomy surgery was done through the 'vagina', you may be at risk for slow would healing where your cervix was removed to Pelvic Prolapse years later.

Other symptoms is little stuff like coughing, bringing up tons of phlem to the inability to sleep, weight gain were you will be unable to lost the weigh, your mid section will look as if you had none due to the repositioning of your internal organs after the uterus is removed ( your rib cage may meet your hips ), heart disease, osteoporosis, high blood pressure ( hypertension ) and chest pain.

Okay now to the Hysterectomy equals Divorce part. With any loving or unloving husband or partner, there will become increase troubles within your relationship when the hormones disappear after the surgery, the patient may feel moody all the time, excessive crying for no reason, but it's not no reason because the hormone are no longer there to regulate the emotions of a woman. Added to that some women may go into instant surgerical menopause heaving their skin dry, hair brittle and and of course the vagina will be so dry that each time you have intercourse the pain may be unbearable. The spouse or partner may feel left out or unloved by the non-stop crying wife or partner that they can not connect with ( abstaining from sex because of the pain and excessive tiredness ).

Endometriosis and Fibroids, I know is caused by the deadly mercury overload created toxic vaccines and silver colored Amalgam dental fillings, see the link below:


Some patients have gone home and began bleeding profusely again, please go to the hospital if that happens.

I'm not a doctor and this is not financial advice. Please, please do tons of research before doing these major surgeries and hysterectomies CAN NOT be reversed.

If you think hard enough, you will see their circle of Profits. Vaccinate as many children as they can, put in as many Silver colored amalgam fillings even if it's not necessary then then the doctors will have sickly patients for life.


Interesting. As a divorce lawyer, myself, this issue never comes up. But, clients don't usually share their emotional much less hormonal reasons for getting a divorce.

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