HypnosisOnHudson: Peak Performance Tip (Vlog-090218)
In This Video: I ended up paddling against the wind AND incoming Tide for what turned out to be one of the BEST, most intense and ENJOYABLE workouts EVER!
So here's the tip: USE the weather or conditions or life's "obstinate obstacles" to Randomize your peak performance training. It not only works better for competition days but it's more interesting, it's more effective and a lot more fun. Use conditions as your training partners!
The Music: Song #299, "Sail Away" is from my "Breathing Underwater" CD - Songs & Stories above, beneath and beyond the Sea. One of my early creative collaborations with Musical Genius, Joe Mennonna.
Master Your Mind For A Peak Performance Boost!
- Mark
P.S. My books and CD's are available At Amazon.com
Song Downloads are available at: http://markshepard.bandcamp.com
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