Has Elon Musk become insane?

in #hyperloop7 years ago

The answear to this question, yes and no.

Why I am saying yes and no you might wonder. Simple, all his new projects are a waist of resurces and time. He is spending alot of money on sientific programs which had been proofed allready that those are not working.

The Hyperloop is a great example as well as SpaceX. Both projects will fail, because had been allready proven that they can not work as he is imagine. A video on youtube from Thunderfood can prove this in more detail, than I can writing my thoughts down:

On the other side, you have to consider, that Musk has not spend a single penny from his own money. He used taxpayers money and investors, so that he can play the great inventor and revolutionizer.

His calculations regarding costs are unrealistic and his expectations are utopic. For somebody who allready build up hughe companies, this is something inpossible to do. Taking false data and calculation will make any entrepreneur bankrupt. But not Elon Musk, he tricks people into beliving those numbers.

In fact he is using naive students and investors so those grant him free usage of their patents and workpower. The patents he can afterwords sell or use to increase his wealth further. Those students and investors on the other side will get a job in one of Musk companies and will work for almost ni money, making them cheap labour. This can be seen by Tesla, where the avrage salary is way below the avrage sallary in the automotive industry.

Is this fair? No! But why is the media making such a hughe hype on him and his companies? Because they are paid amateurs which need a story to promote themself. No one made the actual studies and Musk is offering them a script, so that reportes will have a good story, which will grant them some short lived fame.

As an owner of a big company, Musk is not wiling to make a better live for the rest of us, by beeing environmentally friendly and a science person. He is concerned only about making more and more money. The good words from corporate media, is helping his cause even further.

Unfortunately there are a lot of people how are buying his story and think he will be the new Nicola Tesla. He has not even studied engineering, and works here completely out of his range of expertise.

Do you trust a person like him?

Please share your thoughts


Tesla rockets do work though and are reusable. I think Elon Musk should stay with electric vehicles and improve mileage and efficiency of the car batteries. Other car manufacturers will eventually succeed in market domination of electric cars in the future.

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