Venezuela Country With Hyperinflation, How and where to start improving my finances?

in #hyperinflation7 years ago

Hello! Hello! A big greeting to the entire Steemit community, today I bring you finance post.
Venezuela Country With Hyperinflation, How and where do I start to improve my finances?
It is one of the thousand frequent questions of each Venezuelan, who are starting or want to have a healthy finances is: "How do I start? Where do I begin?
My finances are so messy I do not even know where to start! "
It is natural to experience that feeling of despair, it is the bread of each one of us at the beginning of the day. Our finances are strongly linked with the rest of our lives, so financial problems can easily become an overwhelming problem for the whole family.

In this little post, we are going to explore this problem LIVING IN VENEZUELA HYPERINFLATION. We will see how the majority of Venezuelans react to this situation, why it does it, why it does not work and what would be a better alternative to get out of the big problem.

Natural Reaction of the Venezuelan
The vast majority of people realize that they have financial problems when:
• Has a feeling that money "runs away". He leaves and does not leave said where
• Debts start to walk faster than their owners. They are on their heels.
When this happens, the internal hazard detectors are triggered and we enter emergency mode.
Therefore, the reaction is totally natural is to focus with all the energy possible to spend less and pay the debts.
Focusing on reducing expenses and / or paying debts has the potential to eliminate - at least temporarily - the most urgent financial pressures.
From a purely financial point of view, the reduction of expenses and the payment of debts are the smart options. But we must remember that we are talking about personal finances.
It is natural since we are human, therefore we must see beyond the simple financial mathematical problem.
Focusing only on these areas can produce results in the short term but it is difficult to maintain motivation for a long time.
Maybe you start paying a little more debt until you feel out of imminent danger again, and do not get to commit to making deep changes in your finances.
Or you make some cuts in your expenses but as soon as you have an opportunity you repeat the same patterns of behavior.
Thus, your debts accumulate again, your expenses grow back out of control and you return to the starting point every week, every month. You repeat the cycle. And your finances never seem to be fine, worse and worse.

Why Why do we choose this path?
We must concentrate on solutions that make sense from a purely financial point of view is not necessarily the best. In addition to the mathematical factor that you are spending more than you earn and can not stop it, there are emotional and mental psychological factors that are the root of the problem.
Worldwide, most people already know this, but continue to focus on transient solutions because they are conditioned to think that these are "smart" actions.
If we conduct a survey and ask people what should you do in a situation like this, what they will suggest is that you spend less or pay your debts (True!).
This influence can be so great that it can provoke feelings of guilt if you do not do it is totally natural.
In addition, it is a form of false short-term achievement.
Not only is having the effort to spend less and pay debts.
Being in a situation like this becomes part of your identity is the bread of every day. You immediately identify with people in similar situations, talk about their problems, complain together about external factors that can not control stress, etc.
With all this I do not mean that it is wrong to discuss the situation with other people or find solutions together.
The problem here, rather the BIG PROBLEM is when you simply talk about the situation and you never get to act to correct it.

THE GREAT ROAD The Beginning of a Different Path?
If with all these you already know that this way of acting has not led you to solve the problems, let me suggest a slightly different approach, that is why this little post.

The Great and first step, if you have financial problems, is to work on something that you like.
Do not start by making a detailed plan on how to pay your debts, or spend your free time to find all the discounts you can to reduce your expenses a little.
With all these, what I want to say is that all your extra energy, which you would normally focus on paying more to your debts or reduce your expenses, focuses on making sure that you are working on something that not only gives you income but also gives you some satisfaction emotional.
Does that mean you should stop paying your debts and run to give up your job immediately?
Not necessarily. If you want to give up your job (either to work on your own, or get a different one), of course do it, there are many reasons to do it. But not everyone has the same tolerance towards this type of risk.
If you're not the type of person who would do something like that, at least focus on gradually incorporating some satisfying and productive activity into your life. The most common is to try to convert a hobby into a business, offer professional consultancies about your areas of expertise, exploit your knowledge through a website, etc.
Begin by doing a job that gives you satisfaction will provide you with a motivation totally different from what could be provided by the simple fact of paying X debt, but continue in the same routine as always. Or reduce in Y category of expenses without having a benefit beyond that of having saved in Y category of expenses.
Doing a job that gives you satisfaction will also give you a sense of balance from which it is easier to make decisions in other areas.
What do you think would be easier: reduce expenses with the clear objective of enhancing your new career or reduce expenses to continue doing the same as always?

Making a change of this nature is difficult. Precisely because of that, I think it should be the first thing you focus on.
Many people consider that a job or career change is somewhere along the way towards an improvement of their life and finances; but they always leave it for later. After paying the debts, after saving X amount, after studying a master's degree, after buying a car, etc.
Being one of the most difficult changes to make, it is one of the changes with the greatest potential for satisfaction and profitability. So my proposal is that, instead of postponing it indefinitely, face the problem head on, as soon as possible.
Once you are working on something that causes you real satisfaction (or at least you are taking concrete actions to achieve it), what should you focus on?

We continue with the second step is to invest.

That's right, you still do not focus on a strategy to pay your debts, or you use your time to reduce your expenses to the last cent.
If on the way you could do something extra about it, great, but it's not your main focus.
The reasons why it is so important to start investing are:
• If you have accumulated debts because you have had unexpected events or emergencies, the least you want now is to have a new emergency and have to dig an even bigger hole.
• Set goals of inventions and achieve them is an activity that goes far beyond simply saving money is a bank with hyperinflation. For a lot of it is an exercise of will, strategy and a lot of effort.
Developing the habit of invention (which basically is the habit of postponing a gratification) is fundamental for any other area of ​​life.

I say goodbye to you and I hope you serve this post, greeting from Venezuela.
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It is important this information in English... Thank you for your post

Thanks for your comment it is good to also bring this information to all part of the world

Gracias amigo, hacemos lo que podemos para mejorar dia a dia

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