How to Make Your Hydrology Assignment Writing Easy with These Editing Hacks?
Environmental #Science has now become a fascinating subject to study, particularly in order to create a sustainable atmosphere on Earth. #Hydrology is that branch of scientific study that deals with movement, distribution, and management of water on the surface of the Earth. Admit it that just like any other #assignment writing task, hydrology assignment writing also annoys you. If you want to save time on it, then follow these amazing editing tips.
1. Keep it simple but crisp
There is no greater enemy than long-winded sentences to make your readers go in hibernation. Life is getting really fast and if you are not keeping up with that then you are surely lagging behind. Keep a tight check on the sentences littered with commas. Try to break them into smaller ones. Long sentences are not just harmful to keeping readers glued but also difficult to grasp as a whole.
2. Replace the jargon with something more simplified versions
When you are studying Hydrology, it is natural for you to showcase your expertise in the subject through your assignment. It is a common problem among students to let go their ‘industry expert’ image and therefore, they keep using industry-specific words more and more in their assignments. Understand that your main goal is to help the readers to grasp the topic, not sound smart or fancy to them. So, cut those jargons and make use of more simple and common words instead.
3. Flip those passive voices
Passive sentences will surely help you to fill up the word count, but they will fail to feature your passion for the subject. There is nothing wrong in using passive sentences, but there is certainly something wrong if you keep using them again and again. Use of active voice will not just make your writing concise but will also speak to your readers directly.
4. ‘THAT’ is not necessary
We can bet, it is not necessary to add “that” in your sentences as much as you think you do. “That” may back your ideas with some clarity, but most of the time, you can do just fine without even using it. By eliminating “that”, you can drastically improve the crispness of your writing.
5. Remove those ‘annoying’ punctuation
Most students fall in the trap of including too many punctuation in their writing. This is not just fine to add those commas innumerable times as you think this is where you stop to breathe in real life. Remember you are writing for the readers and it’s their requirements that you should keep in mind.
6. Make your paragraphs short
The great composer Mozart once said, “the music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.” And when you take his advice to writing the assignment, you need to edit those long and bulky paragraphs into slim and short ones. In order to keep your paragraphs short, you must eliminate anything unrelated or irrelevant to the topic.
Editing your assignment is not a very easy thing to do, but you can always have loads of ideas from this article to do it like a pro.
Summary :
If you have already invested too much time in hydrology assignment writing and now running out of it to edit the write-up, then try these simple but effective hacks to edit it in no time.