World of Hot Water ~ The Global Warming, Climate Changing CORRECTED History of Weaponized Weather

in #hurricane6 years ago

MY 2018 Virginia Beach Chemtrail Conference Speech...

"Thank you, Amanda, for providing us with a Gate Keeping FREE event!

I am extremely grateful to have my message go out to you today, past my youtube channel’s suppressed views, past facebook’s forced time-outs & vague community guidelines, and despite the best efforts of my censors & government trolls who stalk me across the web, and threatened to meet me here today.


(If YES, then MEET them and ask their names and address questions to them. If NO…)

That’s too bad because, TO DATE I am looking for someone to answer my questions and/or DEBUNK ME.

Like Amanda, my questions to my local meteorologists, the NWS, NOAA, or any science buff, all get met with the same thing… the sound of CRICKETS in response .

It is appropriate for me and a full circle life event that this conference is taking place in Virginia Beach. since this is where I came for my “hurrication” after Hurricane Katrina. At the time I knew nothing about chemtrails, or weaponized weather, when this short, one verse poem just popped into my head, in the weeks and days after returning home to New Orleans, once that was even possible:

“Gone… Gone are the days I can listen to the rain falling down outside my window pane and NOT think it is some enemy trying to wash us away. GONE.”

Little did I know back then, how right that feeling would prove to be.

Back then, the whole world watched our pitiable neglect unfold on television, as if a hurricane in New Orleans had come as a big surprise to officials who had not foreseen this disaster scenario, even acting oblivious to where the convention center was at, at one point during the environmental disaster, while thousands of New Orleanians were left stranded on their roofs, days after the storm.

The TOTAL lack of response while chaos was allowed to ensue is shameful enough, as it is, in and of itself, but coupled with the testimony of Captain “G” , an Army supply acquisitions Captain I had the incredible good fortune of being able to interview and document in my chemtrail BTV podcast, it is downright CRIMINAL, as well. You see, the thing about Capt’n G’s testimony, the thing he couldn’t believe or understand himself, at the time, was that he was ordered to bring as many body bags to New Orleans as he could find 11 days before Katrina made landfall, and that 8 days prior to Katrina making landfall he had accumulated 5,226 body bags 115 miles out of NOLA. I didn’t find out about Katrina till 3 days before Katrina made landfall, didn’t get out till 2 days after being stranded in the city without services, while my friends were up on their or neighbors roofs for 4-5 days after, waiting for relief. At the time of his order, Captain G thought there was intel on an up and coming terrorist attack. But when he realized it was for a hurricane that actually happened, he asked how they knew there was going to be one with such certainty, he was given the excuse that they knew because “SATELLITES prediction models gave them 200% accuracy.” Though I personally lost no property during the flood, I buried 5 friends to suicide the following year, finding the last one myself, so NOTHING about that answer takes away my outrage at the lack of response, but only validates the feelings of having had someone try to “wash us away”.

BUT, I wouldn’t discover Captain G until years after Katrina, nor did I know the slightest thing about climate engineering at the time, much less the difference between a contrail, a chemtrail and whatever that funny word GEOENGINEERING was. Ironically enough, I would not “wake up” to chemtrails for another 5 years, until after seeing the most amazing display of chemical hazing out of the skies, “coincidentally?” (I don’t believe in coincidences!) immediately after just having watched “What in the World Are They Spraying”. Little did I know that some of the people who helped wake me up, would be some of the gate keepers that would later try to hold me back from exposing the truth themselves, but more on that later.

Meanwhile, I had written my children’s book “Funny Clouds: A Chemtrail Tale” which earned me special status amongst the government trolls and 7 bad reviews before my first book was even sold!

Taking on these debunkers, I dove DEEP into their contrail narrative and discovered why we can argue till the planes fly home and STILL not be able to get anywhere trying to prove to our beloved family & friends that the taking out of our skies is deliberate… Because the nature of the LINGUISTIC GAME is set up to keep us CONFUSED & OFF POINT.

Contrails? Chemtrails? Geoengineering? Which is the right term?

Right off the bat I’ll tell you I never liked the term “geoengineering” (even though I sure feel smarter saying the word!), because you can not use climate engineering to fix the problems of climate engineering if you are not honest that climate engineering caused the problem in the first place. By design, the term “geoengineering” ends up justifying itself, and so is therefore the worst word to use, if you really want to be intellectually honest and technically correct.

And if you argue about whether its a contrail or a chemtrail- A WELL GATE KEPT NARRATIVE, as you will soon see- you will miss the point that it is actually, in deed, BOTH.

YES, BOTH. Surprised? ALL Contrails are chemtrails. After all, That condensation is not forming on PIXIE DUST, DARLING!!

“OH, it’s not a chemtrail, it’s “just” water vapor?” Oh REALLY??” JUST a CONtrail?? Well GUESS WHAT? Contrails matter. It turns out, as NASA says:

“Even small changes in the location & abundance of Clouds could change the climate more than the anticipated changes brought about by greenhouse gases, human produced aerosols or other factors associated with global change”,

so that means that whether or not that cloud condensed on a chemical or pixie dust, the ALBEDO MODIFICATION of the cloud and the heat reflection and absorption properties of it has tremendous value regardless of what chemical it is nucleating on.

“But, chemtrail means deliberate spraying, and contrails are ‘normal’ condensation”, some of you may may be thinking, “so there is a difference!” Then I ask you, WHY are we normalizing CONTRAIL POLLUTION at any level??? Engine exhaust is HIGHLY polluting and whether there is a weaponized agenda or nefarious chemical cocktail piggy backing on that contrail or not, is almost irrelevant because all contrails have health & environmental implications, regardless, some more than others of course. This is neither hidden, nor is it showcased by MSM. We need to stop attacking each other and start paying attention to the monstrous pollution we are letting off the hook. Greater scrutiny and public transparency with the contrail pollution problem would yield greater scrutiny of any other covert program riding & hiding in the coat tails of the persistent contrail “phenomena”.

In the meantime, while we have been fighting this “chemtrail vs contrail” narrative out with our friends & beloved community, few of us realize that they “legalized” chemtrails for geoengineering purposes last year in April 2017, when Trump signed HP 353 into law, with the Weather Forecaster Act of 2017, taking, not only the burden of proving chemtrails exist off of us, but taking the liability off of those doing the chemtrailing, as well, by declaring it LEGAL to do so for “national security” measures. This, of course, is the bogus logic that attempts to justify the use of the very technology we are exposing here today.

A good solution to the chemtrail/contrail problem could be a bill such as Rosalind Peterson’s H6011 written for Rhode Island, which would specifically ban ALL geoengineering and/or environmental modifications that are detrimental to human & environmental health, across the board. More info on how to use the platform in your state is available at or through California Gubernatorial candidate Peter Valentino’s campaign info. (?)

Another reason I don’t like wasting too much time on the Neurolinguistic Programming game of the Contrail vs chemtrail narratives, is because, you know what the most prominent greenhouse gas on earth is? NO- its not Carbon, or even methane, it’s WATER VAPOR. Don’t feel bad if you didn’t know, because few people do, and that too, is deliberate.

See, If all you do is type in “IPCC + Greenhouse Gas Chart” and look up the image search results, you won’t find it there, though it IS a scientific fact. In fact, not until you ADD water vapor to the search criteria, as well, do you get the real result which shows ample graphs that reflect the 80-90% water vapor which is the real dominant greenhouse gas of earth’s atmosphere and the most significant one. NOW, this was a huge epiphany for me when I realized just how many billions of dollars were spent to create this obstruction in the narratives of not just the CO2 pushers AND deniers, but in that of the chemtrail community, alike.

BUT- why was so much money spent trying to cover up the significance of water vapor from public scrutiny and debate?? Besides to 1) help normalize contrail pollution & 2) reduce in the public mind the significance of albedo modification that contrail cirrus was capable of doing, Was there another reason the significance & relevance of water vapor to the green house cycle was being covered up?

My podcast (BTV) issued forth yet more witnesses who held the key.

One, was a former AF WO who said she observed cloud seeding operations conducted to allegedly end drought for farmers, when the reverse was actually true- that it was causing drought. She also testified that she doesn’t understand any of the new cloud formulas, these days, because they make no sense and that the flat bottomed cloud bases have disappeared, so she has no idea what the base level of these clouds are, like she used to be able to tell. Also, she says it makes not sense for there to be more moisture at the top of the atmosphere then on the bottom near the ground because there is less air up there and so should, therefore, hold less moisture, as a rule.

Now the official reason for there being more contrails that persist and linger, according to the literature, is the presence of Ice Super Saturated Regions which mysteriously have become more prevalent in recent years.

Allegedly there are more contrails in the sky because there is more moisture up there, while on the ground it appears to be drying out. Now this is where it gets a little confusing because contrails have been proven to have a dehydrating effect, but also are capable of helping create Ice Super Saturated Regions (ISSRs), the one condition that is needed in order for ALL contrails to form and persist. This term, ISSR, explains all contrail phenomena according to debunkers, even though the term itself is missing from the NOAA’s glossary of Meteorological Terminology, WHY? AGAIN- Because they do not want you realizing the SIGNIFICANCE of WATER VAPOR. BUT is there another source for these ISSRs maybe?

Turns out these ISSRs are a major key, though I would not realize that for a while longer, until it slowly dawned on me that there was one person I would mirror in my podcast over and over again, because he was the ONLY person who could actually explain WHERE my local severe weather was coming from EVERY time I, or any other city was hit with it, which was becoming more frequent. That person was WeatherWar101. After seeking him out online personally, we came out with THE WeatherWar101 interview that made waves just before the 2017 Hurricane season got going.

As soon as we got some traction on our interview, the gate keepers came out in full force, to try and gate-keep the chemtrail community from realizing that not only should we be looking up, but ALSO, we should be looking DOWN at the fact that all these “1000 year” floods, were coming out of rapid synchronized releases of massive water vapor from Wet Surface Air Coolers (WSACs) put out by Power Plants, that are then steered into place by Doppler radar to deliver these waters wherever they are desired and sent.

Having, self-admittedly, formally worked for power companies 30 years prior, Dane Wingington did his best to debunk this crucial realization WeatherWar101 has been able to prove for years, picking straw man arguments and claiming the whole idea was preposterous, DESPITE there not only being a 2004 patent for cloud seeding via cooling towers, but there being a whole history of desired and inadvertent seeding from cooling towers ranging from just recently when admittedly the Pittsburgh plant was caught creating a blizzard hyper locally, to back in the 60’s and 70s when they were studying the meteorological significance of Inadvertent weather modification from cooling towers back then. Loads of interest was going around in the literature, before all of a sudden disappearing or not being seen as relevant to the climate change narrative in any way, but taken all together it is VERY relevant.


What was weird about WeatherWar101 is that he kept telling me to focus on the power plants while he was schooling me and to not worry about doppler radar, so much. THIS IS WHERE I GET WEARY that he, too, MIGHT be a gate keeper. Because ANYTIME someone tries to keep my attention away from something, I end up wanting to inspect it even closer. I’m stubborn like that. And so, after our interview is when I made the discovery that in my opinion, is the MOST VULNERABLE achilles heal of the entire climate engineering puzzle that proves once and for all that our weather is indeed weaponized and our hydrological cycle is hacked, and the discovery is this:

That the entire hurricane season of 2017 made landfall with the eye of the storms going directly into Doppler radar, without exception, and that this trend continued inland for several dopplers more after making landfall. I was so excited by this discovery, and naturally couldn’t wait to hear why WW101 didn’t mention this himself, and why under these circumstances he would not acknowledge my “discovery”.

Irma, Nate, Maria, ALL went RIGHT into doppler radar. So did Hurricane Harvey, but, because it triangulated between three doppler radars, it’s trickier to prove, but with Harvey, I was given an off the record witness in the military who was stationed in Texas at the time and warned me about the storm, before my meteorologist did because he was given an earlier warning when he was told to pack his bags and be ready to evacuate. This is the second source that testified to me about advanced knowledge of the storm and this second one was able to give me the warning so that I could place the warning out there before my meteorologists did as well. After being hipped out on Harvey, is when I made the doppler and eye of the storm discovery for myself.

My fabulous team and I then went back and checked out the storm that was personal to us. Katrina. the storm’s eye interacted with 6 doppler radars in a row.

But still, it wasn’t until I went online to check on what doppler radar was doing and noticed that not only was it down that day, but we had 100% normal clouds, with flat bottoms and all and a thick fog that lingered the following morning, that it occurred to me, along with ALL the other evidence… OMG! The ENTIRE hydrological cycle was hacked!

I asked WeatherWar101 THREE times to tell me what he thought of that doppler steering the storms around by the eye discovery, twice he ignored the question, and the third time he never got back to me. With Doppler radar interacting so directly with our hurricanes, why would he say to JUST FOCUS ON POWER PLANTS? Maybe he has a good explanation for why he left me hanging and now is AWOL, or maybe he is just another gate keeper? Dunno, but he still gave me the most valuable, in my esteem, piece of the climate engineering puzzle, and the one that made the most sense in regards to what I was seeing in my daily skies for myself- that weather was happening not just at some far off facility in Alaska, but LOCALLY as well, and this was the most damning piece of the climate engineering pie that CONTRADICTS the whole global warming narrative and why billions of dollars are spent hazing out the significance of Water Vapor.

See even gate keepers can show you the way, once you realize what it is they don’t want you to see. So why all the gate keeping and distractions from water vapor, and Doppler and Hurricanes especially? Because that is the achilles heal of the industrialists, it is the one thing they can not hide or pretend is related to global warming! If you had found a way to HACK the HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE, wouldn’t you have sent your men out ahead of the narrative you were expecting would ensue, so that they can control the narrative, giving half truths and distractions that would keep them from ever realizing that YES, not only are some of our clouds artificially induced and laced with various chemical cocktails, but the entire hydrological cycle is hacked and is being managed via microwaves that heat up water, clouds, and water ever else gets in the way. All that is needed for Doppler to heat up a cloud is for it to be left on one for too long, something that is hard to prove intent on allegedly, because proving that Doppler was left on deliberately is hard to prove, but taking the sum total of Hurricanes that follow this trend of diving directly into Doppler in one season, or over a many seasons will make it a statistical odd that is unlikely to impossible to match naturally and that s the trick to proving liability in court even if intent can not be established.

It would be foolish for me and my family to try and take this to court, as we all could guess what could happen to us are, based off of just the threats facebook allows these anti-chemtrail activist terrorists to make, (while my accounts get suspended for the slightest NON offense). (16) But a group of people outraged and recently made homeless by severe man made weather could band together and demand accountability in safer numbers. All I am doing today is showing you where your troubles lie, and YOU will need to do something about it. Do not think that I alone have got this since this is my area of research. I do NOT. I need you and others to step up, and thanks to all who do and all who are here.

I realize these are all very large claims to make and if you stick around till the very end of the conference, I will be giving another presentation later on, revisiting the history of the last hundred years to include the history of Weaponized Doppler Radar so that we may ADD THAT to our chemtrail timeline and understand how we got here today.

While I know what I am saying may in deed be hard to believe even for those who consider themselves awake, you must realize that this is nothing more than what Tesla told JP Morgan chase
would be possible in the future after making fog so thick during his Colorado Springs Lab experiments, that people couldn’t see their hands in front of their faces. And this was way back in 1899!

Ladies and gentlemen, we are in a world of hot water, and before the technology gets further diversified through the integration of more arrays and thus harder to pinpoint and prove, we must cut them off at the pass, preventing the roll out of 5G, which will be more of what Tesla foresaw for the world only at a micro level, and we MUST, while it is still possible to do so, hold them accountable for the storms we can prove were steered, and demand accountability whether they want to claim it was done deliberately, or not. Because we are not only seeing weather interacting with doppler radar and power plants, but what we are witnessing is the completion of the hacking of the hydrological cycle that Tesla said would be possible well over a hundred years ago. Thank you so much for your time, enjoy the other speakers today and stay till the end for my Doppler Timeline presentation, as it’s sure to have something in it that will blow your mind and will confirm many of the things I said here from a more historical perspective. God bless us all. We’ll need it!"

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