Stupid Questions 363
American actress Alicia Silverstone, and “Hanging Pink”, are not really mentioned much in this edition. Nothing here but more stupid questions. Here they are, guys and gals!
(Note: This is a politically incorrect edition. Well, more so than usual.)
(I suck at small talk.)
Why don’t orphans play baseball?
(They can’t find "home.")
(Well, they did have reservations.)
What does a cannibal do after he eats a vegetable?
(He throws away the wheelchair!)
(One's a superhero and the other's a simple instruction.)
What part of the word “illegal” do some people STILL not understand? (En Espanol: ¿Qué parte “illegal” no lo entiendes?)
What do the KKK and Nike shoes have in common?
(They both make African-American people run faster.)
Know why some folks don’t trust left-handed people like your rascally writer?
(We’re not right.)
What do you call a white girl that has seizures?
(A vanilla shake.)
Is it true that there’s a secret society somewhere that’s responsible for keeping Long John Silver’s open?
Do you know how politically correct our world is today?
(You can’t even say “Black paint.” You have to say: “Tyrone would you please paint that wall?”)
Are any of you tired of these stupid questions yet?
(Images courtesy of original owners)