Stupid Questions 327
American actress Addison Riecke, and “Pteronphilia” are not mentioned much in this edition of the series. Still nothing here but more stupid questions. Here they are, boys and girls!
Do you remember the first time you had intimate relations. . .that is, with someone else?
Why do some people think using the word "n*gger" is cool. . .especially if you spell it "niggah"?
Is it true that one of the best things about being a woman is you can think about anything you want in public and not get an erection?
Stupid Pick-Up Line Question: “Do you Windex your pants?”
(Because I can see myself in them.)
What part of the word “illegal” do some people STILL not get? (En Espanol: ¿Qué parte “illegal” no lo entiendes?)
Why are a number of Americans concerned about poor, starving children in other countries when we obviously still have plenty of our own poor, starving children right here (in America)?
Does anyone think these lists would mortify my kids if they actually were permitted to read them? Does anyone think it's a damn shame I was permitted to reproduce not once, not twice but THREE times!?
Have you ever run into people that you would gladly supply with a lifetime supply of birth control at your own personal expense because you don't want them to ever, ever, ever reproduce!?
They say: “Dress for the job you want”, but how does one dress for a blow job?
Are any of you tired of these stupid questions yet?
(Images courtesy of original owners)