Stupid Questions 320
Trinidadian-American rapper Nicki Minaj, and “Nasolingus” are not really mentioned that much in this particular edition of the series. Still nothing here but more stupid questions. Here they are, boys and girls!
Does anyone use Crisco and/or Vaseline as lube anymore?
Do you sometimes go into a store and ask an employee for help and immediately know the person will be no help at all before he or she even manage to finish a sentence?
Bingo Rick asked: “Do kangaroos ever jump backwards?”
Barbara, the owner of asked: “Why do people ask rhetorical questions if they don’t require an answer?”
What part of the word “illegal” do some people STILL not get? (En Espanol: ¿Qué parte “illegal” no lo entiendes?)
Bingo Ronnie asked: “Are Koalas really bears?”
Whatever happened to the erasable pen, anyway? Y’all remember those?
Here is one posted on my Facebook page by someone: “Should a sperm donor's identity be kept secret?”
Here’s one for those of you who have uni-sex bathrooms at work: When you take a real nasty dump that leaves streaks and marks on the bowl even after you flush, do you clean it, so the next person doesn’t see what you did, or do you leave it?
Is it really “overkill” to shampoo your pubic hair before a date? If it isn't, can we at least agree it is presumptuous?
Do these stupid questions ever stick with you?
Are any of you tired of these stupid questions yet?
(Images courtesy of original owners)