Stupid Questions 305
American pop singer Bryanna Salaz, “Apotemnophilia” and “Autogynephilia” are not really mentioned much in this specific edition of the series. Still nothing here but stupid questions. Here they are, ladies and gents!
Jill asked: “My uterus faces backwards. Does this mean my G-spot is in a different place?"
What part of the word “illegal” do some people STILL not get? (En Espanol: ¿Qué parte “illegal” no lo entiendes?)
Ever wonder what the speed of lightning would be if it didn’t zigzag?
"Why are the small things, the naked truths that stare us all in the face, the ones that are so hard to believe?”—Gene Simmons of Kiss
Did anyone see the Asian girl on the Scarleteen website who thought that because she is Asian, she has a smaller vagina than non-Asian girls?
A girl named Ginny actually wrote “Cosmopolitan” magazine and asked: " Is it true men pee in all different directions after sex, like in the movie Me, Myself, and Irene?"
Did you know there are enough stupid people out there that I could probably do an entire edition of nothing BUT stupid sex questions? (It’s true!)
Are any of you tired of these stupid questions yet?
(Images courtesy of original owners)