How Liberals Are Made

in #humor7 years ago


Ah, Liberals- what can you say... Without them there would be no global warming, flat earth theory, or Democratic Party for that matter... After all somebody has to believe all the bullshit that normal people see through so easily!With a wide-eyed childlike innocence they blindly follow after any ridiculous theory, no matter how ridiculous it sounds. Convinced they have all the answers to the world's problems, they gather outside with their signs and t-shirts, chanting foolish (but noble sounding) slogans with mind numbing repetition.

Having excelled in a school system designed to make them feel good about their ignorance, they're turned loose on the world to wreak mayhem and mirth upon a world weary of their foolishness. Where do they come from? Why are they here? What will become of them as they encounter life's difficult decisions...
disposal-1846033_960_720.jpg Gary Larson: Courtesy- Pinterest

But the real issue is what can be done to help them as they struggle through life blinded by their own brilliance... Or can they even be helped???

Responding only to mass hysteria and promises of "free shit," they clutter the streets and disability rolls... after all how can you be expected to work with the threat of the ice caps melting in the next few weeks... I also understand that the Law of Gravity has just been repealed- what to do, what to do? Well, if we can't cure them, maybe we can at least...

GIF by @papa-pepper



liberalism is a mental disease.

You can dream can't you. A world where all people use their common sense.

Yeah... But I'm afraid it won't happen in my lifetime!!!

Love this post - here in New Zealand we are just in the middle of an election and a giant social debate between libtards and regular people. I'm so over libtards.

This is a pic of the head NZ libtard:

We just got rid of one...

We don't know what we are going to end up with - some strange political things are going on. The libtards lost but still could become the new government anyway.

If people on Steemit were interested in little old NZ I'd do a post about it, but it's very confusing!

"Winston Peters is the only truly gifted politician in New Zealand who is not corrupt and trying to fill New Zealand with Indians and Chinese. The Greens should just go away and die somewhere. Well Done Winston Peters"

Do a post- I'd read it!

It's going to be two weeks until the "special votes" are counted - they are mostly Kiwi's who live overseas and tend to vote greentard - so until then we don't know what will happen.

Like America, NZ is very divided and the libtard side has total media backing, while the rest of the population is quietly furious. If the libtards do end up gaining control there will be some angry moments.

NZ belongs to Jacob Rotchild either way...

That guy sounds like me... I always try to be helpful!

Yes, I think there may be some similarities between you and Winnie :)

He's much better looking!


Boy... That about says it all!

good old emerica.

It seems as though the 2-party system itself is designed to “divide and conquer”, and it seems like it’s working pretty good!

I think eventually people will realize it’s best to not be on “either side”, and instead to join together... But that’s just the optimist in me. 😄

The way I see it is that liberalism is a form of self-imposed mental illness (the stuff they say just doesn't make sense- common sense)... It leads to therapeutic fascism!

How do you feel about Statism in general? Seems like we could just do away with the 2-party system and we’d be better off... And do you disagree with every progressive movement, including cannabis legalization? Just curious, you have me intrigued by your opinion.

Government is an unnecessary evil. Thomas Jefferson wrote that "he that governs least governs best." I say: He that doesn't govern at all governs best. I'm all for the law of the jungle- the strong survive and the pussies disappear.

Cannabis legislation? Why legislate it at all? It's no one's business what other people do. And yes I do disagree with every progressive movement... for the simple reason that they lead to more government. For the most part they're a bunch of pussies that want to be protected from everything they don't like. If they're offended by a word- nobody can use it because they're offended. Get over it... I'm offended all the time. Stupidity offends me. People that harm animals offend me (and no, we don't need legislation to protect animals- just shoot the pricks that hurt them) watch how quickly it ends!!!

Yeah so it looks like we agree that Freedom should be an inherent part of society... Unfortunately, until we completely overthrow the system (which Steemit might help us with) it seems like the only thing we can do for cannabis is legalize it. Idk if you consider cannabis legalization a progressive movement or what but people need that plant, especially the crazy fucks you mentioned who can hurt animals, other people, themselves, etc. He who governs the least is FREE AF lol 😂

I just look at legalizing cannabis common sense... It's completely harmless I used it for the first time in 1962 and it's done me no harm whatsoever... In fact it helps me concentrate and focus immensely! I wouldn't have done as well as I did in college without it.

I completely agree. Common sense should be the new political party and the new legislative agenda!!

It's what's kept me alive for 72 years!

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