Social Media Does Have its Uses!

in #humor5 years ago

Some days people send me things from social media which have me rolling with laughter and I'm wondering if I should try to do a regular post to share them. Maybe a "What made me laugh this week" post, but I might get sad if I have a week where I realise I didn't get any laughs. Also, some people might call it spam...

What the heck, I'll share it anyway! Why keep the fun to myself?

These were sent to me by my daughter. First up is from what seems to have become a roasting page, Rate My Plate:


Next up is some helpful feedback on a creation from boohoo.








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😂😂😂😅😂😂 oh my ribs!!!
This is partly why people will never leave mainstream socail media. Id I can laugh like this everyday, no amount of money would be enough to want to give it up. FUN!

Lol some of the comments on the cooked breaky was a bit harsh but that Boohoo creation is like a back to front G banger, it might as well be made from dental floss.

Apparently Carol C. Continues to post a lot of rather unappetizing looking meals. I think she enjoys the comments.

I wonder what the model thought of having to wear it. You can imagine them saying, "don't worry, we'll edit out the bits that show." Lol!

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Well I wish Carol all the best in her career of making and sharing her unappealing meals.
Photoshop is a wonderful tool for hiding unwanted bits.

That was good for a cracking laugh. Thanks for sharing it.

I'd support a weekly post for content this funny! Perhaps if people try telling you it's spam, include 'spam' in your title - i.e.: 'What made me laugh/spam this week'. Get on the front foot, and take away their power.

That's good thinking! Although, I don't know if I could come across something quite this funny every week. Usually it's only mildly amusing things.

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So good. I'm crying here.

We were crying when we read them! I showed some mums at gym and you could tell they were trying not to laugh too loud, because it was in public, but ended up giving in.

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