Study Finds Plants Communicate With Each Other Underground
Study Finds Plants Communicate With Each Other Underground: It sounds like the stuff of science fiction, but scientists have found that plants actually use a subterranean communication system to talk to each other - using underground signals sent through their roots to help stressed neighbors. Perhaps its better for everyone concerned that they’re talking underground. After all, if they’re communicating through their roots which are down in the dirt, it doesn’t take a frigg’n genius to figure out they’re probably talking dirty.
Biologists Say Strange Ocean Creatures Trap Their Food In Net of Mucus: Biologists say they’ve found a unique class of “grazer” sea creatures, who are known to trap their food in a massive net of mucus. Big deal, I’ve seen people in public restrooms do that!
Swedish Inmate Escapes Prison and Goes to Dentist: A Swedish inmate had such a bad toothache - he escaped from prison and went to see a dentist, before returning to the prison and turning himself back in. Seeing that he escaped to the dentist, guards would be wise to give this guy a full “cavity search.”