Family Dog Follows Burglar Around Home With Tail Wagging
Family Dog Follows Burglar Around Home With Tail Wagging: A burglar broke into a Milton, Massachusetts home and was cheerfully greeted by the family's friendly dog, which merrily wagged its tail as it followed the intruder around from room to room.
That’s nothing! Hell, my last dog would have helped him carry my belongings out to his vehicle and then begged for a ride in the getaway car. That’s why I never shared any of my passwords with the dog. If you ask me, they should bring that dog in for questioning - and I don’t mean asking it "who's a good boy?”
In related news, an NRA spokesperson issued a statement claiming that had the dog been armed, this crime might have been prevented! I don’t know about that, but one thing’s for sure - had this thief been a “cat burglar,” there would have definitely been a different outcome.
Move over Rover! 45% of dogs sleep in their owner’s bed (we’re pretty sure a large percentage also hog the blankets!)