Appropriate places to text message

in #humor7 years ago (edited)

I've made an observation; People love to text message, check their social media account and generally stick their nose in their phone to the exclusion of all other things at any opportunity they have. Considering this I felt inclined to define and clarify some opportune moments to be text messaging. The list is not exhaustive however gives an idea of some of the most appropriate times one can text message or social-media and I assume the reader will expand on the list from there with consideration to their own personal needs. Here goes:

  • Driving in your car:
    While you're driving around at any speed on any type of road in any traffic or environmental conditions. This is a very appropriate moment as you have the time to devote to your text message as you're not doing anything else except driving. Sometimes you could even multi-task by putting your children in the car at the same time. Perfect! Not looking at the road or paying attention? No worries, the other road users will do that for you.

  • At the traffic lights:
    Again on the automotive theme this one is a great time saver and at a red light is a great place to text message. Don't worry about paying attention to the lights and missing the green. The cars ahead of you will move off no worries and the ones behind you? Well, it's their fault for being there in the first place so you're indemnified of any transgression and for holding up someone else's life.

  • Walking through the shopping mall:
    What better way to keep in contact with your friends via text message and social media than when you're walking through a busy shopping mall crowded with hundreds of shoppers? You can tune out of the hustle and bustle by devoting your attention completely to your phone. Don't worry about walking into someone or impeding another shoppers progress. It's not your fault that they got in your way. Falling off the escalator because you didn't see the end coming up? No worries, it's totally legit.

  • Whilst you're with a friend:
    This is another great time to text message. You can ignore your friend completely and focus on your other friends instead of wasting time socialising with the friend you're actually with. It's pure genius. In fact, you can bitch and whinge about the friend you're with to your other friends with impunity because they won't even know! The other variation is to text message to the friend sitting beside you! That way you don't have to waste any energy actually communicating. Brilliant!

  • Whilst out enjoying the scenery hiking, or the sunset with your loved one or at an event:
    This text-appropriate-moment is the classic time to be texting. You wont have to complicate your life by actually engaging with it and there'll be another sunset tomorrow right? Out whale watching?...Forget about it, seen one seem them all! Don't waste your time, just get your head down and engage with your phone, not your life. Don't waste the moment.

I think you get the idea. There are so many appropriate moments to be text messaging or engaged single-mindedly on social media. The opportunities are limitless. Don't waste the time you've been given on this planet by failing to take every opportunity to engage ON YOUR PHONE with your friends and family, the person you're having an affair with or even some random person you don't know who made a comment on your duck-face selfie...Life's too short.

Note: Sarcasm means - The use of irony to mock or convey contempt.

design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default

Quite obviously this post is sarcastic. Waste your life if you want but if you text whilst driving you're an as^hole.

Photo by on Unsplash


This is the world we now sad. Gone are the days when kids played outdoors until the sun set or mom called us to dinner. I was an adult learner in 2010 getting a bachelors degree and I can't forget the college hallways as I walked to class. Almost every student was pajama clad walking head down into their phones. Zombie apocalypse begun.

Agreed. I lament the loss of the “old days” where life seemed simpler. I don’t have anything against technology but there’s a time and place. People think they’re so connected but in reality I feel people have never been more disconnected than they are now.

I agree that people are disconnected more today than in the past. Having grown up in the ‘60’s and ‘70’s in an Italian - Catholic neighborhood on Long Island, NY, I remember what an organic community of human beings looks like. Life was family, friends, neighbors, and your Church parish.
America’s last Presidential race was dominated by investigations into emails of one candidate and the Tweets of the other. This shit will be the end of us.

I concur. I didn't grow up in NY but the small town in which I was raised sounds like it was quite similar in its values. Shit is all out of whack at the moment with no sign of it getting on track. I lament the loss of the old days.

It is unfortunate the amount of neck and back pain going on these days and what’s the culprit? HEAD DOWN, swimming in a screen.

Yep. Poor posture, RSI through constant phone-holding and texting, diabetes through over-eating and under-activity. Lack of basic reading, spelling and writing skills...The list goes on.

You got it. I'm making this comment right here at the intersectio.... oops

Had a laugh. But point taken!

I remind my lady @keslnm every day to keep the phone away while driving!

Always gotta worry about the other texting teen driver going 15+ over the limit.

It was a sarcastic post and they say “sarcasm is the lowest form of whit” but in reality it’s a message to take the responsibility to do the right thing. As I said in the very last line, if a person wants to waste their life by burying their face in their phone that’s fine, but to endanger other people lives? Not legit!

Education, discipline, and respect for other people's live eventually set in with age, I believe to understand what to avoid doing while driving... just got to get that into every drivers head.

Of course! I've been doing it wrong all this time! God to know that i never need to waste all that pointless driving time again 😆

I just saved hours of your life! 😬

So I attempted to edit that other comment so I could correct the spelling I missed and it posted again o_O

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