Who The Fuck is Danny Barefoot and Why Should I Care?
I follow American politics closely and I've never heard of this Danny Barefoot. It Took me south of 5 minutes to determine he's a douche. Landing on his linkedin page, I'm informed he worked for Hillary Clinton in her failed (and blatantly racist) 2008 campaign against then future war criminal Obama. There's no coming back from that.
Yet I'm still told this this run-of-the-mill ass clown is a "Famous Democratic Consultant." Have you heard of him? I bet less than 1% of Americans have. But all of a sudden he's "famous." like Beyonce or something. And that's how corporate propaganda works. They use well-placed strategic words; in this case "famous" to try to force their will on us. That's not just wishful thinking, that's a psychological operation.
He describes himself as "from sort of the the moderate/establishment wing of the party" which means he's a hardcore right wing fascist, much like Hillary Clinton whom he immorally tried to get elected.
This guy doesn't matter despite what CIA mouthpiece CNN tells you.
But fascist media outlets want you to think he matters, even though no one's ever heard of him.
They want you to think he matters because he just endorsed Warren for POTUS. The corporate media cartel thinks they can decide who you will vote for. While many Americans are more than slavish enough to take them up on this, it would make much more sense to be suspicious of anyone these scumbags are in favor of.
They finally realized that Biden is a lost cause. In another month or two he'll be popping Donepezil and doing his best Reagan impression (the one where he acts brain damaged, not the one he's already been doing where he goes around spouting off Neo-Con talking points and saying racist shit)
Now the establishment media cartel has settled on Elizabeth Warren and didn't waste time giving her plenty of free advertising like they did with Trump in the leadup to 2016.
I don't particularly hate Warren, and she's been running an excellent campaign within the framework of a fake democracy. But anytime military installations pretending to be outlets of journalism are pushing someone on us, it's necessary to think critically. It's not necessarily Warren's fault and she shouldn't be expected to reject endorsements. But Even The New York Times had to admit that most of our media is fake noting in 2008 "Hidden behind that appearance of objectivity, though, is a Pentagon information apparatus that has used those analysts in a campaign to generate favorable news coverage of the administration’s wartime performance."
They were talking about The Bush Administration and their terrorist actions in Iraq. But the Pentagon as well as many dangerous war mongering deep state actors continue to enjoy an open door policy at mainstream media outlets.
If you want to support Warren, I can think of many good reasons to. But supporting her because CNN or Barefoot White Zinfandel McFaggy pants says so would make you a bootlicker, not a voter.
They don't want you to vote. They want you to fall in line. They want show their dominance and they want you to display your submissiveness by doing whatever they will you to do.
Their methods of persuasion are unfortunately, skillful and effective. But most of it boils down to "it's not rape if you'll just decide to enjoy it."
Let's stop Danny Bareback sludgepot from being famous by never mentioning his real name ever again. Or just start calling him "Fredo." I just met you and I'm already done with ya.