#30 Humans Of Steemit : @yusaymon (A Creative Artist That Breathes Into Every Part Of His Life)


Hello to all!!

This post features the ever so wonderful @yusaymon

The HOS ambassador @kerlund74 is who found him and this is what she has to say :

@yusaymon is an extraordinary artist with colorful creations, which I fell in love with at first sight. He is young and talented and I admire his work, that is why I thought we should feature him at @humanofsteemit.




Who are you? Tell us everything you want us to know about you.

Yu is the one who is happy trying to create something new every day*, I try to create a new name, I try to change the songs, I try to paint my shoes, I try to modify the rings, I try to play drums, I try to play a piano, I try to make noise .. .. I try to make a doodle.

Viniloversus - Anvil /// Vocal Cover by @yusaymon
What makes your heart smile?

Help people and make art.

How did you get to Steemit?

It was a very abstract conversation one late night, something inside of my being told me strictly not to forget those words ..."trade" "crypto" and "Steemit" I dont remember exactly who said those words the next day I started to investigate in details on the internet and I arrived at freedom and at the beginning of a new world.

Where do you want to die?

In the sand on the beach.

When was the last time you cried?

3 weeks ago I think.

Photo by @meanmommy33 :3

What is something you don't like about all this new technology?

I like "technology" I like to explore :) But I dont like to be sedentary for so long maybe I'll buy or get a treadmill.


Dame el Mambo / Los Amigos Invisibles" c o v e r 🎤 Karaoke 🏆 Week 17 🎶
What mistake are you still making and why?

Sometimes I judge :s, Sometimes I don't take care of my diet, I don't sleep enough, etc ... I could make a list. I stopped smoking cigarettes a week ago is a good start I think.

What’s the best advice you have ever gotten?

When you see a "strange person" with "aggressive attitudes" in a public place, move away in silence.

SILENCE... that's the best advice for me.

Yu's Portrait by @juliakponsford

If there was something you could un-do, what would it be?

I would not be Yu, without everything I lived. I would not remove anything.

Karaoke Week 20: I found the NOMNOMNOM! that I like it.
Imagine that you magically have the ability to keep being alive without sleep, what would you do with the extra time?

Play Final Fantasy VIII, Zelda and take a month to make 3 paintings and a year for an album with musicians friends. lol

What’s the stupidest thing you’ve done that actually turned out pretty well?

Travel without a well-established plan.

"Nothingness" my submission for SteemFest 2017 - Creamy & Delicious
What makes your belly ache with laughter?

I like a lot weird geek humor,example: I laugh a lot when @clayboyn makes a joke in msp waves. almost peeing myself.

Tell us about 1 significant event in your life that really made you who you are.

I didn't have a "normal" childhood, I didn't go to school to a certain extent, nor did I know what it was to socialize. besides having endured hunger for a long time as a child. I took refuge in my imagination and in some wax crayons. There are many factors I could not say one. :)

What would be the scariest monster you could imagine?

A monster that always goes with you and doesn't disappear very tall and that you must avoid that it opens the eyes because it possesses malevolent powers. you have to keep it under lock. it's like slenderman. hehehe

What does Steemit mean for you?

I must confess that spending several days without being in steemit causes me a very deep sadness, steemit are my dreams steemit are your dreams steemit is my core steemit is your core.

What would you like your last meal to be?

A giant Pizza with mozzarella and full of other things and vegetables hahahahaha

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

Julius!!! XD

If you could be an animal for a day, which animal would you be? Why?

I will be a cat, cause I like that style and those cat eyes... I can watch those eyes for hours. I imagine that cat life it will be adrenaline !!! :) I love every aspect in a cat.

Which person inspires you the most and why do they inspire you?

Everyday I get a good surprise in steemit and a good dose of inspiration, incredible artists and humans here... I love listening to music that also helps inspiration I always detail many things from different sources.

What are you insecure about?

Being insecure is an illusion, which ends in an instant of life. I can be a cat today but I will be an octopus tomorrow.

Describe your ideal life.

Ideal life? hmmm making a post Steemit, in the woods, beach or mountain. I don't know the place. hehe

Have you ever saved someone’s life?

I always remember a friend in a beach of surfers ... I didn't know the beach and my friend assured me that he can swim and the beach was "normal", we got to take a bath to the beach and after a while my friend was drowning to several meters from where I was.. listening to his scream "Juuuu" I swam as fast as I could about 7 meters (the longest seven meters of my life) and I could get it already sunk and half unconscious ... he could throw up all the water... while came a surfer to help us I don't know what was happened but it was something terrible.. Thanks that nothing bad happened we were silent my friend and I almost all the day.

What do other people think is weird about you?

Hahahaha all!!! I guess maybe my appearance is weird... I'm like a monkey, a crazy Spanish, Venezuelan Indian trying to design in Linux.

🎤 Karaoke 🏆 Week 18 "Desks on Fire - La Vida Boheme"
What do you think is one of the best things about you?

I think I don't have lol I'm always trying, I don't have best things.

What’s one responsibility you really wish you didn’t have?

I don't like debts you know? like credit cards.

If you had a personal flag, what would be on it?

Brown color.

If a genie granted you 3 wishes right now, what would you wish for?
  • I would like to talk to Da Vinci
  • I would like to live in a recording studio for 1 year
  • I would like to have complete knowledge of the plants in my brain by magic lol

What do you think about when you’re by yourself?

Woww! difficult question I think is more about eating. "What I will eat today?" hehehehehehe!

What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
Yu:Experiment number 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 58209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679 82148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128 48111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196 44288109756659334461284756482337867831652712019091 45648566923460348610454326648213393607260249141273 72458700660631558817488152092096282925409171536436 78925903600113305305488204665213841469519415116094 33057270365759591953092186117381932611793105118548 07446237996274956735188575272489122793818301194912 98336733624406566430860213949463952247371907021798 60943702770539217176293176752384674818467669405132 00056812714526356082778577134275778960917363717872 14684409012249534301465495853710507922796892589235 42019956112129021960864034418159813629774771309960 51870721134999999837297804995105973173281609631859 50244594553469083026425223082533446850352619311881 71010003137838752886587533208381420617177669147303 59825349042875546873115956286388235378759375195778 18577805321712268066130019278766111959092164201989

Who is the person you trust most?

"family" :)

What’s your favorite word?


If you had 25 minutes to do anything you wanted without external consequences what would you do?

I will paint the obelisks with butterflies and birds flying!! I can add the old steemit logo there!

Who is your fave (or one of your favourite) Steemians and why?

Hehehe are too many but there are some who when I read their words my heart jumps out of control.... Minnowsupport achieves that, Juju Gum, Garden of eden and those who have more than two eyes too.. apart from those mysterious people who dance in the silence. all those people who follow me and are there and here, Yes you that you are reading me, you are my favorite. :)

If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?

Yu was smoking weed in the beach. my family would not know it but it would not be a surprise.

When you looked in the mirror first thing this morning, what was the first thing you thought?

My hair is orange lol.

What’s the most ridiculous fact you know?

idk :s

What is something that you just recently realized that you are embarrassed you didn’t realize earlier?

Hahaha my english is not very good, sometimes misinterpret that makes me embarrased! and others mistakes that I made that embarrasing me too. :)

Steemit Open Mic 64: Pink Díaz & Simon Floyd.cover
What is your nickname?

yusaymon? pronunciation: Ju Simon Yu Ju etc.. Simon saymon is a mix of my name and the name of a never existed brother.

As a Human Of Steemit, how do you contribute to Steemit?

Implement with tools and create, helping and supporting in steemit to feed the conscience for a better world with love.

AAAAAAAHHHH @yusaymon, your creativity is fully integrated into this interview.


You've REALLY got your own thang going on and it is deeply wonderful!

Thank you for sharing your self with us.
Thank you for creating your art that spans a lot of worlds.
Thank you for participating on Humans Of Steemit.

If you want to be featured on Humans of Steemit to combat the botty world online and to show your heart, get in touch with me!
@ashleykalila on steemit.chat and Discord.
Or send me an e-mail : [email protected]

If you want to support Humans of Steemit, please hit follow on this blog, upvote this post and if you really LOVE it, resteem it!
(But really only do that if you REALLY REALLY want to! I believe in a life where we only do what we want to do!)

Humans Of Steemit believes in You.
And so do I!

I had help with editing by the lovely @deadsparrow. He is a good dude.
You should go talk to him.

BIG love,


@ashleykalila is my blog just in case you'd be interested to see what I write about!

Made by the wonderful @stellabelle


My LoveProject is @humansofsteemit! Featuring the humans behind the Steemit usernames!


If you had 25 minutes to do anything you wanted without external consequences what would you do?

"I will paint the obelisks with butterflies and birds flying!! I can add the old steemit logo there!"

that is priceless, and I Must see this @yusaymon! <3

I loved reading this and getting to know who you are a little better.

Pretty good extreme and risk idea right? <3 <3 <3 thanks friend

I'm not sure why the idea is risky

the legend yusaymon :) x

Basiiiiilll!!!! thank you ^ ^

Great profile of a super talented artist who's work I've followed for awhile. Glad he's getting some visibility.

Awwwww thank you very much @Naturebeing !!! ^ ^ my heart is so happy.

Amazing intervju! Love your answers especially the one with the tombstone :D Thanks for answering, glad to read this @yusaymon!

Thanks to you Kerlund!! :) muah!

This is such a great project, and a fabulous person to choose! Fun interview with a very creative soul. @yusaymon, keep being you. You add life, beauty, honesty and fun to the world! :)

Thank u :D Yay!!

I respect you very much because you contribute to steemit.I will do activities like you in Japan and I would like to extend the steemit.@humansofsteemit....

Nice to meet you @yusaymon! You're clearly very talented and a funny person :-)

Nice to meet you too!! Rosa :) thanks I will check ur blog. ^ ^

Fantastic artwork @yusaymon!! My eye caught that sketch of X-Men's Gambit, tucked away unobtrusively.

I think I would also play more Zelda if I had more time.

So nice to meet you, I'm going to follow your work now.

Thank you hehehe yes Zelda was my medicine in life storms. 🙏🏽 peace friend.

Such a creative person! Wow! Beautiful artworks! Original and powerful imagery! Great sense of colour and humour!

Nice that is one great way to meet someone. Very deep and philosophical

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