The 5 Stages Of Love – Sadly, Many Couples Separate At Stage 3

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Love – the source of inspiration for many writers and poets. The one thing which makes the world turn around. There is nothing better than finding a true love. A partner who will be with you through thick and thin. But what happens when you do happen to find a compatible partner?
Many people believe that when you are with the right person everything should be easy. This is true to a certain extent. Namely, there are 5 stages that all couples experience eventually. These stages are all a part of the ‘falling in love process.’ And the reason why most couples break up is because they are unable to move past the stage 3.
These are the 5 stages of love:
You meet a woman or a man you like. They are beautiful, fun, playful, and you find them very attractive and sexy. You are thinking about them all the time. When you receive a call or a text from them your heart skips a beat. You start lusting after them.
This is the first stage of love where your hormones are running wild. This stage is full of playfulness, full of passion, full of excitement. Often called the honeymoon stage, this stage is everyone’s favorite because it is a lot of fun.
During this stage, you are the perfect couple. You hold hands, you exchange hugs and kisses, and cuddle during a movie. Things are changed during this stage. Maybe you have moved in together, or are planning to. Maybe you got engaged. The honeymoon stage has calmed down and things are definitely getting serious during stage two.
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Something starts to feel off during this stage. Your emotions are all mixed up. You and your partner fall into a routine and you start feeling as they are taking you for granted. Cuddling and going out together have become a rare thing for you two.
During this stage, the masks are falling off. The illusions are shattered and you see your partner as they are. And you start wondering what has happened? Did you lose the attraction? You start arguing a lot more, and you may even start resenting each other. You may wonder if maybe being single is better for you.
During stage four you both are your real selves. You both have climbed down from the pedestal on which you have placed each other. You realize and understand that your partner is not a perfect person, they have their problems and struggles, just like you.
This stage paves the way towards facing problems together and working on them. This stage is a stage of real love based on mutual understanding, acceptance and compassion.
When you have both embraced your weaknesses and flaws along with your qualities and strengths and you have chosen to stay together and work together on the relationship – that’s the ultimate kind of love. The one that lasts forever.
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