Betrayal Of Humanity - I Am Not A Machine, Nor Am I Blind! Are Conspiracies Now Being Revealed?

in #humanity8 years ago (edited)

Today I would like to share a summery of reading material in my past few days. I feel a bit speechless to find my own words. I am worried but not scared. Travelers were denied access into the United States which caused a tremendous chaos and so much anger among my friends. People are detained on airports all over the USA, even here in Vienna  some are waiting to go to see their loved ones in the USA. 

I have to admit that right now I am ashamed that my daughter holds an American passport. I’m having a very hard time following the rationale of such President's actions. (I refuse to call his name anymore ) 

It feels shameful! A betrayal of humankind. I am sorry what a few good people have to go through and proud of the ones who put themselves on the line to support them. 

These aren’t just refugees,” Inslee said. “These are business people who  might be in the technology sector, or physicians. They can’t leave the  country now because they can’t get back in. Even though they are legally here in this country. This is damaging to the economy of my state. It  is unacceptable.”

- Governments are corrupt! Alternative facts = lies! I am aware and feel intuitively whats really going on behind our backs and hope the "blind sheeps" ignorance will come to an end.  

Are we still giving them the benefit of a doubt? " What are we waiting for ", is it just a phrase, I am reading more than a hundred times in recent days or can we finally understand that time is now to speed up in our awakening progress. 

- Some People are like machines 

“People  are machines. Machines have to be blind and unconscious, they cannot be  otherwise, and all their actions have to correspond to their nature.  Everything happens. No one does anything. ‘Progress’ and ‘civilization,’  in the real meaning of these words, can appear only as the result of  conscious efforts. They cannot appear as the result of unconscious  mechanical actions. And what conscious effort can there be in machines?  And if one machine is unconscious, then a hundred machines are  unconscious, and so are a thousand machines, or a hundred thousand, or a  million. And the unconscious activity of a million machines must  necessarily result in destruction and extermination. It is precisely in  unconscious involuntary manifestations that all evil lies. You do not  yet understand and cannot imagine all the results of this evil. But the  time will come when you will understand. The evolution of man can  be taken as the development in him of those powers and possibilities  which never develop by themselves, that is, mechanically. Only this kind  of development, only this kind of growth, marks the real evolution of  man. In speaking of evolution it is necessary to understand from the  outset that no mechanical evolution is possible. The evolution of man is  the evolution of his consciousness. And ‘consciousness’ cannot evolve  unconsciously. The evolution of man is the evolution of his will, and  ‘will’ cannot evolve involuntarily. The evolution, of man is the  evolution of his power of doing, and ‘doing’ cannot be the result of  things which ‘happen.’ People do not know what man is. They have  to do with a very complex machine, far more complex than a railway  engine, a motorcar, or an aeroplane—but they know nothing, or almost  nothing, about the construction, working, or possibilities of this  machine; they do not even understand its simplest functions, because  they do not know the purpose of these functions.

You often  think in a very naive way. You already think you can do. To get rid of  this conviction is more difficult than anything else for a man. You do  not understand all the complexity of your organization and you do not  realize that every effort, in addition to the results desired, even if  it gives these, gives thousands of unexpected and often undesirable  results, and the chief thing that you forget is that you are not  beginning from the beginning with a nice clean, new machine. There stand  behind you many years of a wrong and stupid life, of indulgence in  every kind of weakness, of shutting your eyes to your own errors, of  striving to avoid all unpleasant truths, of constant lying to  yourselves, of self-justification, of blaming others, and so on, and so  on. All this cannot help affecting the machine. The machine is dirty, in  places it is rusty, and in some places artificial appliances have been  formed, the necessity for which has been created by its own wrong way of  working. These artificial appliances will now interfere very much with  all your good intentions. They are called ‘buffers.‘” The cause  of their appearance is the existence in man of many contradictions;  contradictions of opinions, feelings, sympathies, words, and actions. If  a man throughout the whole of his life were to feel all the  contradictions that are within him he could not live and act as calmly  as he lives and acts now. He would have constant friction, constant  unrest. We fail to see how contradictory and hostile the different I's  of our personality are to one another. If a man were to feel all these  contradictions he would feel what he really is. He would feel that he is  mad. It is not pleasant to anyone to feel that he is mad. Moreover, a  thought such as this deprives a man of self-confidence, weakens his  energy, deprives him of 'self-respect.' Somehow or other he must master  this thought or banish it. He must either destroy contradictions or  cease to see and to feel them. A man cannot destroy contradictions. But  if 'buffers' are created in him he can cease to feel them and he will  not feel the impact from the clash of contradictory views, contradictory  emotions, contradictory words. 'Buffers' are created slowly and  gradually. Very many 'buffers' are created artificially through  'education.' Others are created under the hypnotic influence of all  surrounding life. A man is surrounded by people who live, speak, think,  and feel by means of 'buffers.' Imitating them in their opinions,  actions, and words, a man involuntarily creates similar 'buffers' in  himself. 'Buffers' make a man's life more easy. It is very hard to live  without 'buffers.' But they keep man from the possibility of inner  development because 'buffers' are made to lessen shocks and it is only  shocks that can lead a man out of the state in which he lives, that is,  waken him. 'Buffers' lull a man to sleep, give him the agreeable and  peaceful sensation that all will be well, that no contradictions exist  and that he can sleep in peace. 'Buffers' are appliances by means of  -which a man can always be in the right. 'Buffers' help a man not to  feel his conscience." ~ G.I. Gurdjeff, In Search of the Miraculous (by P.D. Ouspensky) 

Download the pdf file 

“If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would  be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary  wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You  see?”
― Lewis Carroll

- In Search of solutions and the Miraculous 

The obvious  solution to apply natural resolve to all of humanity's problems is in  your hearts and ready for you to choose at will. Soon we will not wake up to a beautiful world any more  unless we talk each other into a cooperative governing by and for the  people. This is not a dream. We are causing unnecessary suffering through our daily choices. We  are killing our planet. We WE WE WE WE are responsible...! - ( Image Credit) 

- Agree on Life! 

We  dedicate WeAgree.Life  to John Lennon, Louise Clarke, Standing Rock  Water Protectors, The Venus Project, Zeitgeist Movement, Steve Saylor,  New Earth Project, Ubuntu Planet, Free Worlder’s, Money Free Party,  Thrive Movement, Noomap and Synergy Hub, United Earth,  and all who serve to dignify all life… 

- The Transition

“When you investigate the endless conspiracies now being revealed,  the deeper you go the closer you come to the core betrayal of Humanity –  the modified matrix that is causing the systemic failure of earths  bio-systems and is generating this fear-based reality, establishing a  slave race on a prison planet. In order to enslave a race you  take away its past, its memories, its ancestry…its identity… you  downgrade its genetic blueprint… you instigate a program of  psycho-social, chemical, electromagnetic, political and religious manipulation of consciousness that renders that race pathologically obedient.
 We are trapped in a corrupt matrix, generated by our own mutant genetic  programs and the frequency feedback of our chemically-altered  brainwaves. Humanity’s release from slavery will not only require  that we retrieve the truth of our origins and uncover the identity of  those who are manipulating our reality but must also include the  resurrection of the original human blueprint prior to our genetic  modification. Encoded into that blueprint is the resonant  template that will initiate our electromagnetic disassociation from the  synthetic matrix. Resurrect the full divine immortal Human blueprint,  and you will realize the visual audible feed-back of the true space/time  continuum – a transcendent paradigm.” ~ Juliet Carter ( The Template )


Let’s hope common sense and humanity will be restored again!

Perhaps  all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see  us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that  frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants  our love.
~ Rainer Maria Rilke (Rainer Maria Rilke)




The Struggle of the Magicians

Thank you @onceuponatime I needed to see this ❤️Sun Ra Arkestra whom I met personally before he died ,
already knew IT :

The earth moves in a certain rhythm, a certain sound, a certain note. When the music stops the earth will stop and everything upon it will die

Wow Very Touching post! UV & Followed!

Thank you for understanding my feeling. I feel bad because I should have written more of my own words but as I mentioned , I am speechless. I just read an article about "Soros" and his losses on Bloomberg . There is so much going on behind our backs, we can't even imagine how evil is operating. We are the good people and I have hopes!

@jacobtothe I just read your comment after replying here. Yes! Love ❤️ Compassion , Sellfcontrol will lead us into the right direction.

Your views are really deep :-)

I just checked on your blog . I lived in Bali many years and have learnt so much from Hinduism through my Balinese family. It's different though than India. Nice to meet you !

It is good to know, you know something about Hinduism, all i am doing is, collecting good parts of it, really sweet to know you :-)

This is one of the best blogs i've read. Excellent sharing.

Thank you for this important contribution.

Thanks also for the pdf, which I've just downloaded.

Love it! Upvoted and Re-Steemed of course!

Always so nice to get some feedback from you. Thank you for your interest and understanding what and why I tried to share this kind of reading material and how important it is to me. I am hoping to give inspiration to focus on our awakening process more than politics #WeAreOne

What a great post! It is very important to speak about such a topic. Thanks for sharing, Mammasitta!
Upvoted & Followed you as well.

That's very kind of you to say and thanks so much for your vote and comment. See you around :)

The State is anti-Christ.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. - Galations 5:22-23

The State seeks to make laws against such things. The fruit of the State is hate, fear, war, aggression, injury, brutality, and rashness.

Good people must reject the State and its claims to authority.

It's been a long time I did not see that many people as a collective standing together to resist injustice. It's all good as it is .I have to think about the story ( videoclip ) @onceuponatime posted earlier. I suggest to watch it all the way through . We are those magicians who struggle but suffering also brings light and true change upon us and our global consciousness. We , the people with " 💕 " will become so much stronger as long we are aware of our mistakes, then we can rise up again. I hope this makes sense 🙄 and doesn't sound too romantic . I truly believe our world will be fine again. There are loads of awesome light workers in action .

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