What will it take?
Americans piss and moan whenever someone takes a machine gun and mows down their children, lovers and friends but they do nothing to end the supply of killing machines in their own country. It is perhaps consistent that they think nothing of another, another and yet another war started by their political elite.
There is money to be made in murder, fear and death. Arms are Americas last great export. We sell it, trade it and even give them away and charge the cost off to the American public. Military hardware and systems are our number one export. Our cash cow.
Wars that can be fought are entered into and not left. Wars that we are unable to get into at the moment are fomented, instigated for our ruling classes fun and profit such as the present Ukraine war. We are war voyeurs too. We have secret wars such as Cambodia and even volunteer to fight one or more sides in the civil wars of other countries such as Venezuela or Syria.
Any scale of "collateral damage" is acceptable, after all we don't have to admit a mistake then. "Regrettable" has lost its meaning. Atrocity is something only others can do.
Americans worship war. We praise our children and send them off to war singing nationalistic christian hymns and label all as heroes to keep from admitting they are dupes. We make movies about the glory of war while doing a complete censorship of anything that suggest the horrors of war. Not even an American coffin is allowed to be shown.
We worship war but we hide from death. We hide from ourselves, we hide our old people, we hide our poor, our sick, and our hungry while we correct each others punctuation.
In the end it is always the poor who bears the greatest costs of war. The American public is hypnotised into accepting any cost of war, any burden for violence just as they are convinced that no amount of work is enough. We must always have more wars and work harder to be safe. Conversely we are programmed to believe that we must have less privacy, less trust, less leisure time, less gentleness in our world.
Is it any wonder the rest of the world fears us? Holds us in contempt? Gently massages our egos to sick us on their enemies? Goes mad in their fear and anguish? We sow dragons teeth on monday and spend the weekend wailing about how hard the world is.
Lo, I am become death, the destroyer of worlds. At least this one.