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RE: # Do not be wrong, stand for justice This world announces everyone's day Give the state one religion
sunnis will not surrender to the mullahs, the mullahs will not surrender to the sunnis, the rabbis will not surrender to muslims... so where are you in your mind? fucked beyond beliefs?
#humanity ... I...
Humanity in the face of death
Conscious people awake
-Iam Hayat
World Insaniyat Biplob, Bangladesh
World Innyanit Revolutionary Voice in protest of the ongoing civil war, human rights abuses All human beings want brother world humanity --- Imam Hayat
And not the humanity's oppression, destruction - will awaken to comprehend in the formation, Mithabai Havaniyat so many world insatiable revolution.
Come on, save all human beings, devastating Heavniyat - in harmony with the World Innyanat Revolution - tell people not to be a single nation, not a single caste state, not a single religion, but to a single caste state, the religious values based on the universal humanitarian state of every human being. This inhumanity will turn out.
Hi, Thank you for your reply. What is the Insanyat ? Is there are an organization with a hierarchy?
I am wrong if I say that "Insanyat" is an humanist religion, preaching the united nations human rights charter? I have no idea, I am just asking. Never heard this "Insanyat" before...
thanks in advance.
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