Human history schools don't teach.... Why? What I know!

in #human6 years ago


What I Know
I know Israel has been the dawn of time many people have said. The Bible has a lot to do with the country and many of the historic events that happened. I know that today Israel still has conflicts that  aren’t really portrayed  the way they should be and there is a lot of stereo types about the middle east for many different reasons. Mesopotamia is also a big part of that land’s history and I know it has a lot to do with the present.
What I Want To Find Out
I would like to learn about the correlation between Mesopotamia and God. I would like to know what happened before Christ on that land and what led to that. During these times I would also like to understand exactly why God chose Mesopotamia to be so unique. I’d also like to learn why other religions correlate with Israel and why. I wonder why this land has gone and still goes through such horrible events like the Fall of Babylon. One thing I’d like to learn also is what led to the extermination of the Jewish population so many times throughout history. Why are the Jewish people God’s chosen people? 
The Search
In the Bible it said that Abraham fell into a deep sleep (Genesis 15:12) so he would not be an active participant in the covenant ritual. Yahweh made unconditional promises to Abraham like “I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee; I will make thy name great.” Israel indeed became a great nation and Abraham was blessed and his name was made great. All of these promises and some others were confirmed. Genesis 15:18 says “Unto thy seed I have given this land, from the river Egypt unto the great river Euphrates; and I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee; the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.” This is evidence that God’s unconditional covenant really is everlasting. People wonder why the Israelites are God’s chosen people. The main reason for this is simple. God does not play favorites among his people; The Bible, however, does tell us that God’s chose people are the Jewish race because they were the ONLY ones to obey Him compared to other Gods. In Deuteronomy 11:12 it states “It is a land the Lord your God cares for; the eyes of the Lord your God are continually on it from the beginning of the year to its end.” God has  been working out Israel’s salvation from the time of the Old Testament and he has a sound plan for His people and His land. Just as Isaiah from the Bible said they would, the Jewish people in the world have returned home. God’s plan for the end result is that there be an eternal age of peace and blessing for ALL mankind. 

When the Israelites were ready to invade the Promise Land, God once again reiterated the promise of the land, as stated in Joshua 1:4. “Your territory will extend from the desert to Lebanon, and from the great river the to the great Sea on the West. To this day Israel only possesses a fraction of the land God promised to them. All of the land they currently possess, along with all the land of the Palestinians, all the land of Jordan, plus some parts of Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iraq.Article
I found this article on HighBeam Research. It basically states the craftsmanship of some Mesopotamian and Egyptian artifacts. These artifacts included the use of pictographs, decorative art, cylinder seals, and similar tools used for manufacturing stone vessels. They used copper sheets to make tubular drills to produces vases and jars made from hard and soft stone, using hard piece of wood to jam and hit the end of it.In a encyclopedia it explains the ancient cultures of the land. The south was long to be the cradle of civilization till earlier civilizations were found in the north. These civilizations consist of Tell Hassuna, Samarra, and Tell Halaf. Tell Halaf was the most advanced of these early cultures. They were very famous for there Halaf ware. Which was the finest stone potter ever in Mesopotamia. During the advances in the north life was just beginning in the south, at Eridu. The Al Ubaid is a culture that flourished in the north and south.
Interview 1I interviewed a world history teacher to see what I could come up with on some history about Mesopotamia and it’s land.
Q: What do you know briefly about Mesopotamia and it’s history?A: That there were many conflicts between many civilizations, and religions are strong and still practiced to this day.Q: What is your opinion on Israel and it being the cradle of civilization?A: For the main western religions and many disagreements between religions on it being the cradle of civilization.Q: Do you think the geography of this land has to do with God choosing it?A: Yes, its agriculture. It had good soil for agriculture.Q: Do you think all the oil there has something to do with it?A: The geographic conditions of that land had something to do with it.Q: Are you very religious?A: Somewhat.Q: What religion, if so?A: Christianity.Q: What do you know about Asia before Christ?A: The Indus Valley and the Silk Road were very important for the high way of trade. Q: Why are Jewish people God’s chosen ones?A: It’s all relative with other religions and their beliefs. Q: Did you enjoy this interview, and what question stumped you the most?A: Yes I did, and the opinion got me the most. 
Interview 2I interviewed someone who wasn’t well informed about Israel and Mesopotamia’s history to see what different kinds of answers I could get.
Q: What is your opinion on Israel and it being God’s land?A: I believe God chose that land for a specific reason or he wouldn’t have.Q: Why do you think Israel has had so many problems with the land and had disputes or wars over it?A: Because it seems to be a very treasured land to many people and the agriculture part is superb.Q: Why are Israelites God’s chosen people?A: Because they are the only ones to truly follow God’s word.Q: How does Israel and the Bible correlate? A: In the Bible God speaks many times of the Israelites and their land that he promised them.Q: How does the Jewish religion and Israel correlate?A: The Jewish population followed God’s word, therefore were promised the land of Israel.Q: Do you think the conquest and the falling of many empires before Christ have to do with Israel and it’s Holy Land?A: Yes I do simply because I believe that if there weren’t a struggle, God wouldn’t have let them have the Holy Land.Q: What is your opinion on Jewish beliefs?A: I believe their faith is strong and they know God is their savior.Q: How do you feel about God’s covenant with Abraham in the Bible?A: God felt as if Abraham deserved because he was a strong follower and that Abraham deserved it.Q: Does this topic interest you in any way?A: Yes it does from many different points.Q: If so, what interested you?A: Mostly what caught my attention is the fact that yes, God did promise them the Holy Land. Adding onto that, he followed through with his promise and still has to this day. 
What I Learned
I first learned that Israel was promise the Holy Land by God, and they soon possessed some of it. What I learned after that is that to this day, the Israelites only possess a fraction of what was promised to them. While doing my interviews I learned the opinions of some different people who have ideas about how and why it happened, which was interesting. I’ve read up about some of the conflicts and wars that have taken place in this country and I learned that there will always be conflicts. I learned that the land in Israel was very good for agriculture back then and that civilization dates back to 7000 years BC. Civilizations back then used copper sheets to make drills and other tools to carve harden stone vessels. Many religions all correlate with that land and today all the history of the land has not been discovered.




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