6 Debunked Myths About the Human Papillomavirus

in #human8 days ago

6 Debunked Myths About the Human Papillomavirus.jpg

The human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common viruses worldwide but is associated with many myths and misconceptions. Many people underestimate its danger, while others fear it more than they should. As a result, due to lack of knowledge or misunderstanding, they may ignore prevention and not even seek medical attention. In this article, we will debunk the six most common myths about HPV.

Myth 1: HPV is a rare disease

In fact, HPV is one of the most common sexually transmitted viruses. According to studies, about 80% of sexually active people will get this virus during their lifetime. However, most don’t even suspect they have it since the virus may be asymptomatic.

Some strains of HPV can cause warts or papillomas on the skin, including on the genitals. Others can lead to the development of cancer, such as cervical cancer. That's why it's essential to have regular check-ups and get HPV vaccines if necessary.

Myth 2: Only women can get HPV

It's believed that HPV is exclusively a "women's problem," but this is not true. The virus affects both men and women and can have serious consequences for both sexes. In men, certain HPV strains can cause penile cancer, anal cancer, and tumors in the larynx and mouth. In addition, men can be asymptomatic carriers of the virus and transmit it to their partners. That's why vaccinations and preventive examinations are essential not only for women but also for men.

Myth 3: If a person has no symptoms, they don't have HPV

One of the most dangerous misconceptions is the belief that people are healthy if they have no symptoms. In most cases, the virus doesn’t manifest itself in any way. Some strains of HPV can remain inactive in the body for a long time and then become active due to stress, weakened immunity, or other factors. As a result, warts can appear and, in the worst case, malignant tumors. The only way to know if you have HPV is to get tested. This is especially important for women, as HPV can lead to cervical cancer.

Myth 4: Condoms offer complete protection against HPV

Using a condom reduces the risk of HPV infection but doesn’t eliminate it completely. The fact is that the virus is not only transmitted through sexual fluids but also through the skin and mucous membranes. Human papillomavirus can be found in areas of the body that are not protected by a condom, such as the groin. For this reason, even with protected intercourse, there is still a risk of infection. The best prevention is a combination of several methods of protection: vaccination, regular check-ups, and the use of condoms.

Myth 5: The HPV vaccine is useless if a person is already infected

Many people believe that vaccination only makes sense before the first sexual contact, but this is not entirely true. Although vaccinations are actually most effective before infection, they can also benefit those who have already been exposed to HPV. There are over 200 types of HPV, and the vaccine protects against the most dangerous strains, including those that cause cancer. Even if a person is already infected, vaccination helps prevent others from becoming infected.

Moreover, studies show that vaccinations can help reduce the likelihood of recurrence and reinfection. Therefore, vaccination should be considered an essential part of prevention regardless of whether a person has been exposed to the virus. If you want to protect yourself, you can search for "HPV vaccine near me."

Myth 6: HPV is incurable

Many people are scared by the idea that HPV stays in the body forever after infection. In fact, the human immune system often successfully fights the virus, and it disappears without treatment within a few years. However, if the virus remains in the body and causes abnormal changes in the cells, medical intervention is necessary.

Doctors can offer various treatment methods, from removing the papillomas to drug therapy. You should also understand that even if the symptoms disappear, this doesn’t mean that the virus will not reactivate. Therefore, regular medical check-ups and a healthy lifestyle are key to fighting HPV.

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