I give a guy 100 upvotes, get no thank you, give him 1 flag, he writes a post about it!

So I want content creators to do better, I have supported enough bad content and want quality now. Is that too much to ask for?

Two Years has passed, and STEEM for me has been in 3 stages, first the fix all the problems quickly stage, then the build up a userbase and support the userbase stage, like upvoting shitposts and turn the blind eye... allow drama to play itself out, shit like that. Now we are in the third stage of making money and kicking ass, so naturally I expect all of you so-called-bloggers out there to step up your game and outperform yourself.

Butthurt Ignored - Step Up your STEEM Game if you want it to RAIN or go back to where you came from:




Hi @fyrstikken. You make a good point in your view. But first I think we need too look at what is good content. I think this will be referent for a lot of us in here. Some like crypto talk, some like self-help, some like cars, some like book other like travel. So in my mind you can find what you are looking for if you search for it. It's like life, if you wanna see cool cars, you don't go to a fotball game, you go to the car meet-up:-)
And as normal in life, everyone like to get nice comments and been cheered on. If you correct them once the will react as strong as hell...

About making money on this forum, is it possible??? First of all. I would like to look at the content making money. If you make 100 SBD a week on posting and participating on this forum, are you making money? for some this would be heaven, for others this would be a waste of time.
To get around monthly I need to have an income of about 2000 SBD to cover all my costs and have a decent life. So for me if I was spending 6-10 hours a day writing posts and comments I would need to earn 2000 SBD a month or 500 a week. Is this possible??? I would think it is possible, BUT it requires that I need to get out of the box. Finding out what would it take, what has been tried and what has worked. I see some people making good income ( above 200 SBD) a week on steemit. I don't know how much time they have spent or how much they have invested on STEEM to get a fat wallet. But it looks possible.
How many are thinking outside the box, trying to find new ways of income, trying to stand out in the crowd and not just be followers.

If you want something to happen, you have to find a way to make it possible, dont' just sit down and wait for everything to fall in you lap.

Have a great day
Best regards @EveryDayCoachdan icon.jpg

It's not your problem, it's the problem of the mechanism.

Right on was just thinking the same .. not every content creator can or wants to create good content..

I'm working on my 'issues' one day at a time, must go align chakras, thank you for this post, follow for follow?

Lol otter game on point!

Otters use tools and are smart

I have laid claim to the Otter Initiative the Alpaca Initiative and the Dog and Cat Initiatives
mic dropppp

tenor (5).gif

LOL... That dude gets up and looks like maybe he's the one eating up all the good content... Love it :)

I am very complaining about this

Lol, I posted a sarcastic comment and you guys flagged it. That's why you can't be sarcastic without saying "sarcasm" in the end.

Your post is no different. Than the spam you found at the bottom. If ypu wrote a quality comment youll get followers if not you wont.

Asking for upvotes and follows IS SPAM.

i see by your below comment you can interact properly so why dont you do that instead?

It was sarcasm mocking the spammers :3 I like roleplaying. It seems it went wrong this time. LOL

It's ok, though. I get a lot of sweet paste normally and this didn't lower my reputation.

It was the same as a story I read in facebook, when a teacher wrote the multiplication table of 9. It was written like this :

  • 9x1 = 8
  • 9x2 = 18
  • 9x3 = 27
  • 9x4 = 36
  • 9x5 = 45
  • 9x6 = 54
  • 9x7 = 63
  • 9x8 = 72
  • 9x9 - 81
  • 9x10 = 90

The students laugh because there was a mistake on the first statement but they forgot that the remaining statements are correct.

I'd be scared for my children if the teacher was making mistakes like that 😂

If you are looking for really good content, have your tried.. anywhere else?


There is plenty of good content on this platform the problem is, very few of any consequence read anymore.

You are right, there are good content on this platform and it gets supported, and maybe more so after HF20. But we need to push everyone to the limits, it often feels like "same old, same old", Once Nokia was the best phone in the world. Can we do better then what we are? I think so

At the moment ( I can only speak for myself) I am drowning in a sea of irrelevance. The platform has changed from long form to meme'd, streamed and bidbot steemed, leaving very little place for anyone who wants to both produce decent writing and not be tied to some type of group/circle for support. I have always considered myself as some kind of freelancer here.

I am not going to pay for a reward as that takes out the actual need for content and it isn't a reward at all if it is given to myself. Paying for my own prize no matter the quality of content is personally, pathetic. It would be like handing myself a trophy for a competition with myself.

This is a community and it requires community engagement and recognition for it to be strong and lasting. It requires social glue and connection. The paying for votes is creating islands, not bridges.

You mentioned Nokia, their slogan was 'Connecting People' and they lost their 60% market share because they kept focusing on the tech rather than the people. Apple came in and gave people the feeling of being part of a community.

Again personally, I have never stopped pushing myself to do so. Ups, downs and flats; it has always been a long-term view for a future for the community.

Yes, we can do better.

I produce long-form content and no one gives a fuck. It is what it is. I'm not sure if it has any mainstream appeal, though. They do get views.

But people usually tend to what they're subsidized to do, and the culture on Steemit doesn't really reward content like that nowadays.

I just like to rant if I have something on my mind.

It's my fault, too, since I should network and suck up to people more, but you're Finnish, too, so you know it goes against the culture in Finland to really suck anybody's dick for money.

Some fucks are given sometimes, I assure you.

Yeah, it is what it is yet I do think there is a little bit more value in it than what is all getting tbh.

I have been in Finland 15 years so not quite a Finn but, Australians aren't really a culture of dick suckers for money either.

I've adjusted my attitude to just using Steemit as a publishing platform. Maybe something comes of it, maybe not. I'd probably rant on Facebook anyway.

Same here. I do have a lot of really cool and smart people who follow me, and I appreciate their comments and upvotes. And my content is probably not the absolute best, but I spend way too much time doing research and trying to educate people on cryptos (within MY limitation of course..im not perfect or genius or anything)

But with my own upvote accounting for more than 50% of the profit and I make usually 1-1,5$ per post the incentive to keep making (semi) quality posts (at least better than average) is just very low right now. Why spend 2 hours creating something unique when you're not getting paid anything..and you could make a shitpost and perhaps even make MORE. I mean..I could make more just making a shitty meme in Canva than I would writing a long article or do a TA or a market update. Why bother? personally I've been trying hard for 6 months now. Gaining a lot of followers and always rewarded good comments etc. But I don't seem to attract any whales or anyone who wants to support me with more profitable upvotes. (Again..very appreciative for the upvotes I do get)

This is not complaining. If my content is not good enough, its best to improve or try other things. There will be other platforms and/or other ways to earn an income.

The ironic thing is however that the more I've improved on this platform - the more I've connected with people..the LESS i earn. I earned the most in the beginning..now..well, hardly anything. Even when I use boosters I don't earn anything..I thought the whole idea was that a post with lets say 30-40$ in it before 30 minutes in the hot section would attract some upvotes..no..not even that is working. It's like my content smells like shit or something :D

I'll just keep improving..or leave. We'll see what happens. All I know is that its frustrating to see shit content getting rewarded and good content not getting rewarded. And it's not only with me it seems.

We have to try and help each other out. I try as good as I can to auto upvote people who I know make good content regularly. And I do also read through posts and reward content that I think is great more randomly.

I'm not sure what else to do?

Well, dude. It's not really about the content. Maybe at the very beginning of this thing, the content mattered some, but now in 2018, what is posted is absolutely meaningless. It's about who posts it. This thing runs on relationships.

I'm not even saying that it's somehow wrong, or anything. It's just an observation of a fact. And to be fair, the real world isn't any different. I've gotten promotions and whatnot just based on the fact that the people above me liked me as a person. Sure, I worked hard, but Id'd say joking around with the right people and giving them a positive impression of me helped a lot more.

Post if you like posting. If you're here to make money, I'd say it's pretty pointless to be here. You can try to network, get delegation, suck up to the right people, etc. to get the bigger votes, but any attempt to "improve your content" in hopes of the big upvotes is a wasted effort.

You're not in the club, which means that the large stakeolders will never click on your posts, let alone read them, let alone upvote them. Upvotes are either bought, or they're given out in a vote for vote fashion. If you don't have the sufficient SP to give out big votes to those giving out big votes, they won't benefit from you, and you'll get skipped.

That's not even taking into account the fact that you post controversial stuff about politics, and that sort of stuff is frowned upon here, as well. It's a political game. No one wants to touch risque material like immigration, racism, etc. because that may place them in a negative light, and it might cost them their own whale support. It's better, then, to just stay away from that.

Like I said, post if you enjoy posting, but adjust your expectations. It's stake based voting platform, and there was never another way for things to turn out; Steemit is not about the content, it's about people printing themselves free money.

And again, I'm not even saying that it's a "bad thing", per se, it's just a free market, and they always work on nepotism. It's natural and it is what it is.

It's pointless to look at someone's TA or meme shitposts and think: "Oh, I should just do that" because the posts are just a smokescreen. The people "on top" could be posting blank posts with nothing in them and make the exact same amount of money.

People don't upvote posts, they upvote users.

Thanks man. Ive been a little naive. This was a great comment.

Nokia was once the best until the better companies took over.

It will be the same with social media. Steem is the prototype and i welcome some creative forks. I personally am working on a semi centralized education system based on a fork of the steem blockchain.

i´m wondering, how or if you search for those new and fresh content you pretend to support... because if you are waiting for them to appear at the trending page... no, that will not happend

Just read about this.
Good to hear the two side.
Ignorance is bliss.
One thing I see.
One flag is a wake up call
Multiple flag you deserve it.
Keep on steemin'

Electronic Concentration Camp OMG that image is so damn true.
If you like some crypto content check out my blog I think I am writing some good stuff so far never got any complains.

I wouldnt say Steemit is for bloggers only. I would prefer it to be for a wider range of people, not just creators, but also for my aunt, mom, and the dude from across the street.

I don't complain. My posts are spontaneous and random, just like on former networks I didn't get paid on so all good even when posting my usual shit

They said , Do thousand good things and they wont notice ,do one bad thing and they will hate you , dont worry . Let the karma do the job and kick their asses . 😁😁😁😁

Mmm, interesting. Maybe the feeling of gratefulness is actually less intense in this person than the feeling of outrage? Or maybe he felt like he deserved the upvotes but not the flag? This would explain the lack of thanks previously.

"I am entitled to the upvotes I get"

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