Here is what HPB delivered so far.

in #hpb6 years ago

Transactions per second were always the point of debate among many blockchain enthusiasts. Most of the prominent blockchain technologies suffer on that front. Take Ethereum for example; it can handle up to 15 transactions per second. This number was impressive few years back but given how things scaled with the blockchain 15 transactions per second is quite low.

So there is a need for a faster blockchain that can process higher number of transactions per second and that will allow many practical applications to happen. This is where High performance Blockchain (HPB) shines. HPB has been working on eliminating the low transactions per second barrier and achieve a million transactions per second. Yep you heard right 1 million transactions per second.

The jump from 15 to a million is massive and HPB is able to achieve that through optimizing for both the hardware and software that runs the blockchain. HPB realized that the network traffic can be sped up if moved from software to the hardware. So instead of the software handling network traffic the hardware would take on that job. This is where HPB introduced their Blockchain Offload Engine (BOE). The BOE has its own ARM processor it also has an embedded Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ESDSA) which is the digital signature algorithm responsible for signing and verifying transactions circulating in the network.

The BOE hardware has been manufactured and thoroughly tested and sent to users who passed the required node tests. Some users have actually published some images of their BOE hardware (check image below published by CalRon07 on Reddit). The users who received their units have been running different tests on the units with HPB team to ensure that the received units are not defected. Their next step would be to connect to the MainNet which is currently at v1.0. HPB has also published the necessary guides to setup the hardware and connect to MainNet. The user guides have been published in Chinese and English.

The MainNet has the smart contracts and the voting system fully implemented. It is worth noting that HPB supports different virtual machines like EVM and NeoVM. This means that smart contracts made for Ethereum for example will be able to run on HPB chain.

Given HPB has its own blockchain with the MainNet being at V1 it is important to have a wallet in place to exchange and move HPB tokens around. The great news is that the wallet has been developed and publicly published on the 10th September 2018. The wallet has been published for both platforms Android and iOS. The next step for HPB on this front is to work on the Cold Wallet which is currently in the design phase. The Wallet and the Smart Contracts as well as the MainNet code have passed all necessary security audits.

Since we brought up Security Audits HPB has partnered with KnownSec to do the necessary reviews and audits of their code. This is important to ensure maximum security and tackle as many vulnerabilities as possible. So far no major vulnerabilities were found in both the wallet and smart contracts code. This begets the other important update which is the block explorer for HPB chain. The explorer can be found here and it also has passed the necessary tests.

This whole setup is quite attractive and has attracted attention of many of crypto enthusiasts and extended to even attract businesses. At the time of writing this article HPB just released an announcement on their most recent partnership; which is with Damai Tech. They will be working together to promote blockchain as a service. Damai Tech being quite established in providing various IT services like cloud services and HPB being specialized in blockchain technology together they form a synergy that could help many others to quickly adopt the blockchain in general and HPB in specific. Of course this is not the only partnership HPB has; they actually have had several others which I will let you explore. I will be adding the necessary resources to make that easy for you.

HPB User Manual here:
HPB explorer:
The HPB Wallet:

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