tableau pour un enfant - painting for a children EN/FR HOWTO
Bonjour les Steemers,
Hello les Steemers,
Pour la filleule de ma tantine j'ai réalisé ce tableau. C'est une petite fille, Trinity à 5 ans. Que pensez-vous de ce tableau ? Personnellement je le trouve un peu "léger" mais ma tantine m'a dit qu'il était très bien pour une petite fille de 5 ans. Quel est votre avis ?
For the goddaughter of my auntie I realized this painting. It's a little girl, Trinity at 5 years old. What do you think of this painting? Personally I find it a little "light" but my aunty told me it was very good for a 5 year old girl. What is your opinion ?
Étapes à suivre
- Peindre les tableaux en 3 couleurs dégradées
- Imprimer 3 dessins et les découper. J'ai imprimer les dessins sur du papier cartonné
- Imprimer les lettres du prénom de l'enfant
- Coller les étoiles et la lune
Steps to follow
- Paint the tables in 3 degraded colors
- Print 3 drawings and cut them out. I printed the drawings on card stock
- Print the letters of the first name of the child
- Stick the stars and the moon
Merci pour vos réponses :)
Thank's for your answers :)
Thank's for the sharing @dalek :)
very cute!
i love the smile of the cat on the 1st one
keep posting!
if you can .. add some progression pics
it helps!
Thank you :) @englishtchrivy70
Yes, I know but I forget for this painting :(
its alright there's still a next time isn't it?
Ahh yes of course !
Simple and beautiful. Cats paintings and scrapbooks are my hobbies and feel lucky to come across your blog. Loved it.
Me it is the dogs :-p this painting was for a child fan of cat: D
I will be very happy to see your creations in your future blogs :-)
Thank you for these compliments
Really cute and nice :)
Thank you very much @awispa
nice post :)![](
thank's :) @cryptocash