How To Reduce Weight : Sharing My Experience Reducing 20kg Weight Within 6 Months

in #howto7 years ago (edited)

Hi everybody,

Today, I would like to share my experience of reducing my weight from 89 kg to 69 kg within 6 months time.

Look picture below. The left picture was taken December 2016 and the right current picture was taken June 2017.

Recent pictures I took just 2 weeks ago and this is exact same post I took before .... before is Dec 2014.

I hope you like those pictures and ha...ha....

How am I able to do this? This is something that I would like to share with all of you as then maybe this could be an inspiration and help those who needed this.

4th January 2016, I went to see my Dr for normal check out and as usual, we need to do the checks including weight and wow, I was 89 kg... that was my first slap on my face.

Then after that, I went to a shopping complex to buy some shirts and wow, shirts with XXL, the majority I can't fit anymore and especially those I liked and that was the biggest slap on my face and the biggest realization that I need to reduce weight now and take seriously about it.

Especially I see my aunties and uncle who are in their 60's and 70's now not able to pray properly as they are overweight with knee issues. So I told myself I must take actions before I reach the age of 50's which is just 3 years away. Opps! now you will know what is my age? He...he...

Anyway, I by now knows I must take action. No more excuses. So on the 8th January 2017, I start my first exercise after 25 years being not active - which is using a bicycle as I have spoken to a Dr earlier and she told me, as my weight is too heavy, it's not advisable to jog or running but its better to start either cycling or swimming.

Where I stay now, there are no more clubs so I choose cycling and I like the outdoors. So on my first day I start, I decided to cycle all the way to the National Zoo via Kemensah from Taman Melawati and those who stay around that area will know its quite hilly so up and down I went and as I reach the National Zoo, I felt like half dead already. I was so exhausted.

Anyway, it was an awesome experience and although I was tired, I got new motivation as when the going gets tough, only the tough gets going so with that in mind... I must continue.

Please do take note exercise is not the main success story of weight reducing. Exercise is only 20 percent contributing your weight loss. The most important thing is your diet and you can start with these suggestions:

  1. Drink lots of plain water and no more sugar-filled water. Your weight cannot reduce with extra sugar in your body. Just take lots of vegetables as that will be enough to supply you with sugar required for your body. How much water - is actually via a percentage of body weight. I don't remember but I practiced drinking 3 liters a day.
  2. Eat high protein and non-carbo diet. So no more rice, mee, potato, kuih, etc etc... bye..bye those okay.
  3. No more wheat products - he... he... yeah, no more bread etc.

However, the majority of us loves too much and that includes me when you want to munch, what do you do. For me, I take almond nut as almond will help in reducing weight. No more chocolate, sweets etc. I have my almond supply everywhere in my car, in my training center, at home, by my bedside and when I am craving for chocolate, I will also take the almonds.

Yeah, and one important advice, nearly forgotten on this, during the first month, please don't take any fruits. The second month you can but the first month is to really take out all excessive sugar from our body so that your weight reduction program will be successful.

Do try out, I have coach few friends and some of them are able to do successfully. Please do have below, one of my friend sharing her success just by following this advice.

However, if you feel lazy and want an easy way out. There are many programs that will be easy to follow but please ensure you find the right weight loss diet program. Will share on those in future posts.

All right, I hope this sharing will help you if you are on a weight loss mission and more sharing in future. For me, another 5 more kg to shed off and that is really fat within the organ areas and that I need to go to gym and I now also doing daily jogging in the morning. I am hoping to shed off little bit more and start building back muscles and endurance as I am planning to start going for an adventure...

More sharing in future....

Let's jom...


Oh my, that is inspiring ! I am upvoting you. You look good. Wonder if I can do it, too. Unfortunately I love my fruits.....sob sob.

Hi! You can take fruits however just for forst month dont take it as we just wamt out body to clear all the exessive sugar .. so that we can start reducing weight . 2nd month onwords... you can eat your fruits back... but remember no fruit juice okay . As to creare a juics you need lots of fruits . If we can eat.. we can eat few...

All the best ..

WOW! What an inspiration! If I had known, I would have eaten more of the almonds you shared at the bootcamp today! :p

Would exercising fingers (faster typing we learnt today) help to lose weight too? ;)

He...he... yes.. you should... I like to eat and i have this cravings for food so now i just take almond nut.

Ha...ha. . Writing will not resuce your weight however just start by drinking plain water.. see you soon when they organise another session...

Thanks for the tip Karttina.. Malaysian food is filled with carbo and sugar. That's the challenge but if you can anyone can.

Kudos to you!! Great work and keep it up! And I was also on a healthy diet since Christmas last year. Just wanted to be healthy and get rid of the stubborn fats that we women want to get rid of. Especially the stomach, the thighs and the bums. And you are absolutely right protein and no sugar diet is great as I was in that diet too. But mine is more further than that, no oil and milk as well. And only eat orange and Apple as fruit.

Truly an amazing transformation :)

Hi Kartina. You are so inspiring. I too started in Dec 2017. Lost about 3 kg now just by cutting down sugar. I wonder who was the one created sugar! Upvoted.

now thats something which i need to try =D

Hi! Yes.. try it... its great... and you get more better in shape although you are already good..

I got the advice to just drink plain water from reading an article from a doctor and he told me.. if you just have one thimg you can do to keep yourself healthy... just drink plain water as our body consists of bio chemistry... we distrupt it by taking too execsive sugar... our vegetable intake should be enough..... and i have not gotten sick since jan 2017 when I start doing this except raya puasa as waa forced to drink sugarly water as we visit frinds and relative house plus was tired and that proven the teory..

Great tips! Now...praying that it will work for me too!

Hey @karttina, your experience sharing is awesome! I find it challenging sometimes to cut carbs when I eat out. You know everything is carb in Malaysia, haha. I tried my best to cook on my own yet sometimes the times just wouldn’t allow me to due to work. How do you overcome this?

I remember your almonds when we met at 1Met Camp in Putrajaya. You showed me the almonds in your pocket & how you always have them everywhere. This is really inspirational, I'm blocking my planner in February for healthier lifestyle. I lost over 15 kg 2 years ago but gainef it back when I let loose. Time to get back on the right path, hahah!!

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