How to be a Bachelor : The pros and cons of Pipe Smoking

in #howto7 years ago (edited)

Con : Any use of tobacco is not good for you.
I am NOT trying to convince or entice you into smoking a pipe, please do not start smoking a pipe or using any tobacco in any way. If you are not an adult and don't want to follow my posts about principles that will aid you in living a free life as a bachelor please pass this post by. Thank you.

Con : Pipe smoking can be expensive and time consuming. Pipes may cost between $5 and $5000. A decent pipe (excluding corncob pipes) might be more than $100 and good pipes are closer to $300. Pipe tobacco is about $3 per ounce and with new regulations in the US, may double soon. A quick search says about 5€ per ounce (28g) in Europe, so about twice as much as it is in the US.

Pro : Pipe smoking is pleasant. It can be a quiet time in your day for contemplation and the enjoyment of nature. To really enjoy a pipe, you have to slow down, make at least a half hour for yourself. Of course you could smoke a pipe while doing three things at once and dealing with irritating human beings who need to go f**k themselves, but are you enjoying it? No. Go out and sit by a lake.

Con : The pipe smoking community is full of smart people who have strong opinions which they have spent many hours thinking about whilst smoking a pipe, and who are not afraid to tell you about them.
Pro : The pipe smoking community is full of smart people who have strong opinions which they have spent many hours thinking about whilst smoking a pipe, and who are not afraid to tell you about them.

Pro : You get to use words like "whilst" without any irony or sounding creepy, because you are cool enough to smoke a pipe, so you must own antique books or something.

Con : Pipe smoke smells pretty bad to most folks who are not actually smoking a pipe, or who don't have pleasant memories of a grandfather who smoked a pipe back in the day.
Pro : Pipe smoke smells pretty bad to most people, so your solitude is unlikely to be interrupted. If it is, you just have to puff harder for a little while. They'll go away.

Pro : Seriously, smoking a pipe on the back porch or out by a stream is like having a little campfire that you tend and enjoy... while also smoking a rich tobacco that actually gives you a little buzz.

What could be more like a free bachelor doing what they choose?

All images from pixabay or my camera unless otherwise noted.
Please try my Future History stories - Enmity


Pipes, pipes, the Rolls Royce of the smoking world... 🌬️

I vape, ._.

I considered that, but I decided to go traditional tobacco because it's already too late for me not to get cancer. Plus I like the century old rituals and equipment. I might try vaping, but only if I can get pot vape liquid legally.

I just realised that vapers are the vegans of smokers

and ceegars are worse(better)

Absolutely. Cigars are like farts, you can only stand the smell of your own.

wow so poetic but so true

Props for talking about the pipe smoking community but you're missing some things. Also - many people can walk up to you if you're smoking an aromatic and be very complementary about your blends. If its an english... that could be a different story of course.

Of course you are right. I had someone do that today, but in my defense I was also kinda right too. She had an Uncle who smoked a pipe and she got her pleasant associations from that.

I also had a guy from another Apartment house track me down by my smoke trail and introduce himself to me a few months ago. I invited him to sit on my porch. We enjoyed the weather and a pipeful in silence and then he went away. Good times.