How to make some passive income $$$

in #how7 years ago

Hey Steemian family! First and foremost I wish everyone here a happy and prosperous year as we entering 2018!

Today I, would like to share a few ways to make some passive income. this is going to be my first story as I've had just join Steemit community as of today 1/4/18.
"I want to be clear I'm not a financial adviser I don't give financial advice, all of which I'm going to share is base solely on my personal experience. Please make sure to do your own research before you invest! and Invest only what you can afford to lose".

Before I dive right into it I would like to share with you folks a little bit about myself after all being a part of Steemit family I feel bless. Yesterday I knew nothing about Steemit and I came across this Platform totally by accident and I read some post that was quite interesting and I knew I had to be a part of it. To sum it all up "I came and I saw I sign up"! so a little bit about myself. hmmm where should I start? Alright how about a little introduction. so we can get to know each other a little better.
Hi my name is Tom L. and an entrepreneur. I came from a poor family immigrate from the 3rd world country to USA. Our family first biggest achievement went all other doubts. 8 sibling 4 brother and 4 sister to be exact and I fall right smack in between them the middle child. if you in need of sibling I can send a few your way haha. J/k ..... This year I'm going to hit my big 4O average height of between 5'6'' not very tall and since i haven't been able to grow taller I pretty much grew wider. If you don't believed in inflation I would be a perfect example. We pretty much grew up with basic lifestyle we have little next to nothing. But you know something We are happy. My parents how ever did a great job in raising us. We never starve a single day even though day we are poor. Thank God I guess God have always have a way to blessed us. Somehow we always manage to have enough to lived off. Good thing we don't expect much from our parents or else we would be in for a big disappointment. Fast forward..........30 years later.. and here I'am
I spend most of my time researching on anything and everything in between with whatever resource I have. From how stuff work to problem solving and cracking down on everything to bring the ultimate truth to help enrich the world to make it a better place for all of us. You me and the world we are simply 1 big family. After all we only have 1 life to live and a very short one if you ask me. With such short window of time to figured it out how can we better our self? To figured out what we wanted to achieve in life we need to start asking question and we need to ask a lot of it. I for one am rich in many area of my life and not talking about rich ''financially''. I'm speaking of love, relationship and spiritual awareness. that is because I seek and thirst for knowledge. Therefore I find and identify the problem of which I Am facing and tackle it head on and solve it.
Anyway If you have read my story and made this far in without being bored to death I wanted to say "Thank You " I hope that my story will inspire even just 1 soul it would be more than enough.

So as I'm writing this,here is the big question. I'm pretty sure some of you already wonder so I'm going to ask and answer this question truthfully. Remember always ask question don't ever accept anything as truth unless you research it deeply and know it for yourself to be the truth and draw your own conclusion.

Question: Are you financially rich? 99.99% of you including me the answer is obvious. sad isn't it?
and if your asking me personally at this point then here is my answer ''NO'' plain and simple
I'm not financially rich. but im well of..
So how can i teach you something I'm not? well if you have read my post from the top would know my answer. I'm a problem solver the reason I'm not financially wealthy yet is because I didn't have a need for it yet. I was happy where I was and as time fly I have different purpose. My goal today is to work on how to be "financially wealthy"
Good news is you can join me on my journey if it is what your looking for. I'm confident in my research and already well on my way creating PASSIVE INCOME and you can too. without you have to do extra work beside pressing a few button if that is not simple enough I don't know what is.

I can show you in five minute once you create an account with my link you can start generating income as little 24 hours of your first loan. the site I speak of pay you roughly on average of .8% on your investment every 24 hour. I can't promise you if they are going to be there tomorrow. but i'm doing it and base on my own experience i got paid on time everyday. Everyone is welcome to join my team. start as little as $100 to whatever you want. it is up to you to decide. if you are interested in finding out more there is plenty of youtube video explaining it.
here is the link:

Please keep in mind I'm not a financial adviser or your financial adviser I don't claim to be one because i'm not one. You are responsible to due your own research. as always Please do not invest in money you can't afford to lose. Only invest in what you can afford to lose.

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