I comment and upvote a lot of articles, yet no one visits my page! The frustration is too much; what should I do?

in #how-to7 years ago (edited)

Permit me to delve a little out of science, which this page is known for, to provide a credible answer to one particular question being asked by new steemians. Being one of the leaders of @euronation subcommunity, more often than not, new steemians whom I had advised to market themselves through active commenting and upvoting of worthy contents come to me complaining that their blogs lack activity despite all their efforts. One question I usually ask is:


'Have you been actively commenting and upvoting worthy contents?'

And most would answer in the affirmative. But personally, I knew such persons must have been doing something wrong. So I would set off to pay a visit to their blog and comment pages as well as use https://steemnow.com to check their racently voted works. And most times, their faults would just be there; very clear and conspicuous, and usually include the following:

  • Upvoting without commenting.*
  • Outright raining of praises on the author (who in most cases is a top dolphin or a whale) without raising the substance of his work and arguing either in support or against it.*
  • Spam comment and appealing for return 'follow' of their blog pages.*
  • Concentrating only on top dolphins and whales without giving much attention to other Steemians.*
  • Making more blog posts (most of which don't address real life issues and meaningless at best) than comments*
  • Not replying comments on their articles on time.*
  • Too many resteems per blog update.*
  • Not following any trail.*
  • Writing tweets and short articles.*

My Opinion/Solution

Now, when I discover any or all of these to be the issue, I usually will not have time to be hitting this points one after another. What I used to do is to tell the person to go and intensify effort, that he/she would certainly have a breakthrough somehow at some stage. It's as simple as that. Regrettably, instead of retracing their steps, they would keep on deviating from fair blogging etiquette.Hence, my decision to do this post to offer my opinion on what I thought to be the solution.


  • The first issue raised here is that of upvoting author's work without commenting. If you're new here and you keep engaging in wanton allocation of votes without actually commenting on the author's article, more especially when the author is a more established Steemian, and you're expecting him/her to return visit, you are just wasting your time. This is because most established steemians hardly take stock of those who upvoted their works.

  • Praising the author without touching on the issues he discussed will likely not earn you a return visit from that author. He will most likely consider you an attention seeker. So the best approach here when you don't have time to read the whole article, is read a paragraph, copy some points and quote, and then make a comment based on the quoted paragraph.

  • Spam comment and its ilks. Now. Be warned for the last time; doing this might likely get you terribly flagged. Some authors have great aversion for this. You don't spam or beg for votes on such blogs as those of @stellabelle and @maryfavour. Instead of not leaving reasonable comments on blogs, it is better not to comment at all. Such comments as 'nice work', 'great piece', 'thought provoking', and other two-word phrases constitute spam comment.

  • Following top dolphins and whales about might not help your condition. Although it is possible to attract top dolphins and whales to yourself by objectively commenting on their posts, but that's not a guarantee strategy. What attracts these top class Steemians to blogs is mainly your contribution to development of steem blockchain. What can you offer and what have you been offering? What communities are you active in? Do you communicate and contribute to community discussions? Or the essence of your membership is just to drop links and go.

  • One major mistakes new steemians make is abandoning their mates to go whale hunting. Most at times, you find out that when you return in the next few months, most of your mates have grown much bigger in terms of SP and rep score. You become a stranger in a place you were one of the founding members. The worst still is that no one would vote you because no one seem to know you.

  • So the best approach is to grow with your community. And be reaching out to whales from time to time. And when you do; don't expect anything in return. Just take it as one of your primary responsibilities in building a robust clout for future growth.


  • Most new steemians engage in every minute, every hour updating of their blog and then staring at it in anticipation of upvotes. In as much as there is nothing wrong with this but I guess that's a very bad strategy to apply here. This is because as a new steemian, you don't have much followers and these are people who will see your articles. So what you should do first is to build your followers list by commenting on other people's work. Comment more than you blog and watch your list grow. I suggest blogging 4 to 5 times a week and commenting a lot.

  • Some new steemians don't reply comments on their articles on time, and I think this is bad. Make your comments thought provoking and engaging. Ask questions while commenting to engender discussion. One Steemian who knows how to do this a lot is @greenrun.

  • Resteeming a lot of articles will hide your own articles. Unless you are a popular steemian, don't resteem more than 3 articles per blog update.

  • Following trails help you grow your followers list. So as a new steemian, visit steemauto.com, register and follow trails there. Consider following @euronation trail also.

  • Stop writing tweets (short articles). Expand your articles and make them more engaging by formatting and using simple understandable words. Reference your images and paragraph your works.

I have been doing all these and nothing seems to be working for me. Please, what should I do?

Hahahahahsh... If you have been following these recipes and nothing seems to be working, that's very okay. So relax. You're not having an unusual case. What you should do is to keep doing it. The light comes after this darkness. Thank you.

Newbie's Corner

Don't give up. Success is within reach only if you persevere

Starting out in any endeavor in life is always not easy. And so expecting otherwise is therefore an indirect expression of unreadiness in pursuit of any worthwhile goals. This has been the core definition of my person. So in any endeavor I find myself, I usually stayed back even when everyone has left to see if there would ever be a chance for success. Only when all indicators turn red that I would throw in the towel. I am grateful to God that I didn't give up in the face of initial challenges.

Thanks for reading.

Follow @eurogee, the Steemivangelist and the founder of @euronation Newbie's Support Team; follow @euronation

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Excellent post with many good suggestions! I am glad to see that you included advice on making good comments AND also on voting for witnesses! Bravo, and I hope many people read this and learn! 😊

100% upvote for this great piece!

Thanks you very much. I appreciate your presence.

From the many points highlighted here, I have been able to highlight some key areas where I have being defaulting which possibly defines the reason for my stagnated growth. Need mentioning also is the fact that I have also benefitted from aligning with the point that as a new steemian, one needs to continuously make thought provoking comments on articles of established steemians in order to get noticed and earn their rewards. One of such established steemians I personally encountered is @stackin
A whole lot of lessons learnt here and I hope time and resources will permit me to put these recommendations into profitable use as I have come to understand that steemit is not for the mental weaklings.
Thanks @eurogee for coordinating your thoughts and putting this together for our benefits.

It gladdens my heart to know that you found this of great use. Work by it and watch your story change for good


@eurogee, this an amazing info, I pray my fellow minow will have the time to read and apply this, this is almost the same question I got from some newbies too and coupled with my own experiences, I decided to made a post to resolve the challenge most newbies have here: TIPS NEEDED BY NEWBIES TO GAIN SUCCESS AND POPULARITY IN STEEMIT

In my own little contribution, I also realised that most newbies don't read lengthy post, one thing is known of whales, and dolphins: they post lenghthy articles, someonelike @surpassinggoggle, he writes like 11 minutes post(3000+ words) and to get noticed, you must read and comment creatively and thought provoking.

at times I earn more in commenting than posting.

I see it useless as a newbie to publish 3-4 post daily without engaging people by reading and commenting on their post.

thank you my boss for sharing

You are most welcome. And I think you have a point here...

I earn more in commenting than posting.

This is one of those facts most new steemians don't appreciate

Upv by

Upvoting without commenting.*
Outright raining of praises on the author (who in most cases is a top dolphin or a whale) without raising the substance of his work and arguing either in support or against it.*
I think i am guilty of the above points, i have learnt a lot from this and i am ready to change. I will keep a record of this post so i can make reference to it as times goes. Good write up bro

each time i write a post i dont get upvote and i begin to wonder why is that after all the effort and time put in to contest the post i still dont get enough upvote as i ought to.
i a lot of questions run through my mind as to how this thing happens how other people get upvote at a shortest possible time of post.
but after reading this post i will stay all my questions have been answered . i can attest that majority of the newbie are guilty of all the issue highlighted in your post though some could be as a result of limited knowledge about how the steem community work.
also one of the major problem of newbie is that they are impatient they want to make it immediately like the whales without considering the fact that those steemains too also invested a lot of time and effort.
however after reading your post i think you also forgot to mention contet i.es newbies involving in contest to enable them win sbd.
and lastly i will like to suggest that whales should in a bid to assist the newbie pick up a mentorship role for most of the newbie cause vast majority of us act as a result of little knowledge.
anyways nice work..
if you will permite me @eurogee i will like to resteem this post

You don't need to ask for permission. Resteem!

also one of the major problem of newbie is that they are impatient they want to make it immediately like the whales without considering the fact that those steemains too also invested a lot of time and effort.

This is the main problem you just treated here. I quoted it to let people see it more. Thanks


This post is very informative as usual. Following these steps outlined here is a sure way to better steem life. The place of patience is equally important for a successful life in steemit.

You just hit the nail bro. Thanks for this l.


Every steemian that had stayed long enough here knows when you are seeking attention and when you genuinely read their articles. I see a lot of the "praise singers" on big SP holder's blog posts. These are people like you and me; they just have more SP than some of us. Try and relate with them like a human *instead of like an upvoting machine kept to help you "grow more"; a phrase I have come to detest due to how it is randomly thrown about. These set of guys never address the topic of discussion. They just want you to upvote their "nice comment" post. It is a sad situation. Thank you @eurogee for bringing it to everyone's attention; in the quest for upvotes, many tend to forget the basic etiquettes of a social media platform that steemit is.

Every steemian that had stayed long enough here knows when you are seeking attention and when you genuinely read their articles.

Exactly. You are on point boss. Thanks


Thank you boss for the enlightment.
You shall never lack @eurogee

I actually found that chatting up to the newly joined members isn't a bad idea - very often, if your interests align, they'll follow you. Newbie upvotes aren't worth much, but it's only a matter of time.

In the meanwhile, I'm still looking for better ways of improving exposure and some of the points you made I'm sometimes guilty of as well - should print those out and read every time before bed :)

Steem on!

Happy to lean you do help new steemians. Thanks for visiting her

Thanks boss @eurogee. God bless you sir. I just discovered why i had not been getting enough votes and i get discourage atimes. But sir, what is the percentage of upvoting vs commenting ? Because i discovered that even on dolphins and whales' post, there are more of upvoting numbers compared to that comments. So, i thought it is more of important to upvote than to comment. And do we have percentage ratio of upvoting to comment?Thank you sir. Looking forward to get your reply sir.

Hahaha. I appreciate your presence here. On your question, the author supporting your comments with upvote depends on him. No one decides that for him.
Keep working. Success is within reach


I must confess that one of the reasons (the main reason) I joined steemit was the fact that i could earn while blogging or doing the exact same things i did or use to do on facebook especially for "free" (that's the major motivation here right?).

I don't want to say I'm frustrated already-that wouldn't be fair, but that I almost began to reconsider my decision for joining the community about 9days ago, having considered my "earnings"...But then, that's what gave me the light and motivation to stay: The ability to Think contribution is what's more needed than ever!

So what you should do first is to build your followers list by commenting on other people's work. Comment more than you blog and watch your list grow. I suggest blogging 4 to 5 times a week and commenting a lot.

The most thoughtful part of this write-up to me is that I should commit to making more meaningful comments than thinking of posting (especially resteeming contents) and for the records, I've never voted for any witness (because I know absolutely nothing about it, i mean how it works and the benefits), thanks for the link, I'd check it out and hope it really helps...

...I should commit to making more meaningful comments than thinking of posting

Exactly! Comments!

I am glad to learn you will learn about witnesses through the provided link. I hope you will also vote for my witnesses. Thank you


Okay sir. Thank you for the vote!

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