This is how a few thousand Arab Muslims burn down the world for a billion other Muslims and most other Arabs out of selfishness.
Is there any group MORE dependent for FOOD IMPORTS and OIL EXPORTS than Arabs?
Travel across the USA and most of what you see are farms growing food. The USA grows enough food to feed the world, measures by calories.
The Arab world does not have farms like that, and has to import most food. So Arabs burning ships between the two most important Arab keystone states, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, will in increase costs for food for Arabs and decrease food security and reliability for Arabs.
This is short sided. Anyone can play tic tac toe.
The real world is more complex than 5D chess, and it’s clear the Houthis are puppets of the people who hate the Arabs more than anyone else, the Iranians.
The Iranians are also playing a very stupid game (again) by harming global trade. What will this do for the 1.1 billion Muslims? For most of them, harming world trade harms them.
But the Iranians just want to score social media points and don’t care.