Dear Brothers and Sisters,
When you intend visiting someone,
choose the appropriate time. ⏱
Never visit during sleep or meal time.🛌🍛
The person you intend to visit must be informed and with an agreed time.📆
When you arrive at the door of your host, don't forget to knock the door🚪 or press the bell as the case may be (and let there be enough time between the knockings.
Stand on a side either right or left of the door and not directly in front.🚪
When it is asked: "who?"never say: " I", rather mention your name 🙍🏻, and when the door is opened, do not enter until you are given the permission to do so.
If she should ask you to go back because of an excuse or inability to host you, then return, and never allow shaytan to whisper into your mind to insinuate.
Then if you are told to enter, say Salam and follow the host (walk behind her).🚶🏻♀🚶🏻♀
Sit wherever she asked you to sit.🛋
Beware of looking here and there at the people in the house .😳
Do not play with whatever is before you of the households, or peeping through the rooms.
Never find fault in whatever food or drink offered to you.🍝😏
Beware not to make the visit( too long) to bore or cause inconvenience to the host, and avoid damaging any material especially if you have small children with you.
This lesson is for the benefit of the host and the visitor...
Islam is a complete religion, I pray Allah make it easy for us to practice, Aamiin.