RE: Random Topic - What makes women so physically attractive to heterosexual men?
I agree with allot of what you write and I believe most decent humans actually don't care that much about looks when weighing up if they are attracted to something or not; it's no single thing but a combination...and lets face it most people have beautiful souls...gulp lets hope.
Interesting enough most women think/feel this was as well, looking for a 'spark' before entering a deeper relationship phase..Still most women I have known will see a 'hot guy' know nothing about him and say..gosh he is hot???and looking around the room, the other nod.
I've even heard women say 'that guy is so hot as batman', but ugly in real life....??? Clearly women do not consider the 'physical' a strong factor in working out if they are attracted - but that's an article for another day hehe.