Steemit is the worst case of repressive Leftist Anti-White racism I've ever encountered in my life.
Wow... you must deal with people very different from the ones I deal with.
I am White (not like I had a choice, but I am also not ashamed of it) and I actually prefer to be viewed as human. I am very much against racism, and I do think it is more Anti-White than anything these days.
I am definitely far from a leftist. With that said I am not sure what you are talking about as I haven't really encountered such people. I suspect such people are actually a minority here. I am sure they are here, but I haven't actually encountered them. TL;DR - Confused about what you are talking about.
I have no idea either.
I feel I should copy paste your reply as my own :)
Say anything about WWII history and you're called a nazi.
Say anything about communist jews, and you're automatically a nazi.
Say anything about race, and you're automatically a nazi.
Publish a video showing hitler, and you're automatically a nazi.
Make jokes about nazi's and you get the boot... just like pewdiepie...
I've seen that other places. I haven't actually seen any of that on steemit. So I'm not sure what you're talking about.
Good for you. I have.