RE: Oh, so you support horse whipping do you?
Oops, I guess tone didn't come across in my comment. There was supposed to be sarcasm in there. I have never been to horse racing, watched it or gambled on it and have no intention of doing so. I rode ponies as a child, no crops involved, and they used to love racing on occasion. I guarantee you we had little impact on their choice to race or not, though (when one didn't want to canter he was not going to canter). I think if horse racing were entirely on the horses' terms it would be an entirely different ball game and might actually be fun to watch, but we know how much humans like to be in control, so that's not going to happen.
I do also think it's interesting that many would be horrified at the idea of us doing the same to criminals (except maybe the families of the victims), but are fine with treating horses like that.
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I'm no environmental or animal crusader, just don't value the way human beings feel entitled to beat horses around a track and call it a sport considering it's done to support betting. I understand the challenge of training an animal to make it perform at its peak but not the rest of it, the beating. It's the accepted thing though I guess...I wonder how the jockey would feel getting beaten by a punter who lost his bet, with a riding crop, if he lost a race...
Ah I don't know, was just something to post I guess...I hate the Melbourne Cup hype and the bullshit that revolves around it...
Entitlement does seem to be something many people have a lot of. I didn't realise the Melbourne Cup was on. I guess I missed the hype. My daughter was just saying she thinks it's a rich person thing.
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Yep, I agree with your daughter. Smart girl. I avoid it like the plague...Have a good week. 👍🏼🤗
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