Till Death Do Us Never Part
The old man sat on the edge of the bed looking out of the window. His wife lay on the bed facing the other way.
He was reminiscing about the life they had spent together.
From the first time they had met until that day. He described in detail how he had been nervous to approach her as a young man but his friend had urged him on.
He talked about the children they had together and the holidays they had spent together. All the while his wife said nothing. The old man heard a noise outside the window and got up to look.
It was his friend to pick him up to go and play bridge together.
The old man opened the window and called down to his friend that he was coming. He went to the wardrobe his wife was facing and opened it. He took out a pair of shoes and a jacket.
He smiled down at her as he put on his jacket and slipped his shoes on.
“I will be back around 8 pm.” he said to her.
He then leaned over and kissed her cold, skinless forehead, but while he did so, he stumbled and his knee pushed down hard on the mattress. His wife's skull rolled off the cushion onto the floor and broke into several pieces.
The old man bent down and slowly picked up the pieces and carefully lay them on the pillow.
“Don't worry, darling, I will fix you when I get back.”
He left the bedroom and quietly shut the door.
The End.